How to Change Cortana's Name to Any Name for Beginners You Want

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How to Change Cortana's Name to Any Name for Beginners You Want

Cortana is Microsoft's smart digital assistant. Cortana has no doubt about her abilities. However, there are still many who do not know if Microsoft has a tool like this. Even though Cortana can help us do anything in Windows 10.

It's very easy for us to use Cortana, just by calling by saying "Hey Cortana". But maybe we often forget or find it difficult to call Cortana. It turns out that we can rename Cortana to any name we want that is easy for us to remember. For example, the name of the crush or girlfriend. How to replace it?

Well, this time I will share about how to change Cortana's name to the name we want. How to? Is it difficult or easy? The method is quite easy. Just follow the steps below.

How to Change Cortana Name to Any Name

  1. Please download the MyCortana tool first. How to? Please type or click "" in the search field of your web browser. To make it easier, please click here.
  2. Then, please scroll down and click “Download”.
  3. Then, before using the MyCortana tool, make sure you have activated the Hey Cortana feature. How to access Cortana via the taskbar >> press the Settings icon >> and activate the Hey Cortana feature.
  4. Then, please run the MyCortana tool that you downloaded earlier. If the Security Warning window appears, just click "Run" to run it.
  5. Then, if the MyCortana window appears, please click “Settings”. As in the image below.
  6. Then, if the Settings window appears, please click the “Add” icon. As in the image below.
  7. Then, the Custom Name window will appear. Please type the name you want to change to your liking. After that, please click "Ok".
  8. Then, when you have finished entering your Cortana replacement name, the name you entered will appear. When finished, please click "Ok". You can also click “Run at Startup”, if you want it to run automatically when Windows starts.

Well, how? Easy enough right? Now we can call Cortana by the name we have set, for example we set it to the name “John”. We can call him "Hi Asep", and we will find Asep ready to help and be our assistant in Windows 10. Henceforth, we can minimize this tool and will run in the background, to be ready to call Asep when we need it.

Oh yeah... because everything is all in English, so when we call Asep we have to have an English accent, like "Hey Johny" to be more accurate. However, maybe if you try it with an Indonesian accent, it might work. MyCortana doesn't change the look or UI of Cortana, it just adds a nickname.

In fact, we can still call Cortana "Hey Cortana". One of MyCortana's weaknesses is that this tool is still buggy, so sometimes it runs smoothly… but sometimes it can't detect our calls for no apparent reason.

That's how to easily change Cortana's name to any name that you can try. If this article can help you, please share it with your friends so they also know how to easily change Cortana's name to any name.

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