Microsoft Complicates Browser Default Settings in Windows 11?

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Microsoft Complicates Browser Default Settings in Windows 11?

Of course you know, Microsoft Edge will be the browser for Windows 11. Although in terms of performance, Edge can also be paired with other popular browsers such as Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.

But even so, users may think about changing the default browser, and unfortunately, Microsoft is making setting the browser default a bit more difficult for Windows 11 users.

Previously in Windows 10, changing the default browser was very easy, users only needed to do a few clicks through Settings.
Now in Windows 11, you will find a list of file types and protocols used by the web browser. These file types include: HTM, HTML, PDF, SHTML, SVG, WEBP, SHT, FTP, HTTP, and HTTPS. You can choose all of these file types individually according to the browser you want.

On the one hand, this change makes settings more flexible, users can determine which web browser based on file type and protocol. But on the other hand, this becomes very inconvenient for users who just want to change the default web browser.

Windows 11 is still in the development stage, because this setting may change later, depending on Microsoft and the feedback provided by Windows Insider members.

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