LINE Free Download

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Download The latest LINE (Free Download) - ERZEDKA

LINE - is a free instant messaging application that is available on various operating systems, not only available for Android smartphones, but you can also use it on Windows PC, MacOS, Windows Phone, iOS, even on the Google Chrome browser through the extensions provided.

Just like LINE on smartphones, users can also send and receive text messages, voice messages, videos, photos, locations, emojis, stickers, and so on. Even so, you still need LINE on your smartphone before using it on your PC, because when you first open it, this application will ask you to log in using the email that has been registered via the LINE smartphone application.

If LINE is your main instant messaging application to communicate, there's certainly nothing wrong with trying LINE for Windows PCs, especially if you like using PCs. By using LINE for Windows, you can chat more freely through your computer keyboard.

You don't have to worry about losing your favorite emoticons or stickers, because later all the data on your smartphone's LINE will be synchronized with your LINE PC, not even just emoticons, your contacts will also automatically appear on LINE PC.

Advantages of LINE for Windows PC

If you often work on a computer and LINE is the main instant messaging application you use, then LINE, which is provided for Windows PCs, you also need to consider because it has several advantages over LINE on smartphones, including:

1. Light, simple, and easy to use

When compared to other instant messaging applications, LINE is relatively heavier because this application has various features. However, this only applies to LINE on smartphones. The reason is, the LINE application provided for Windows PCs is actually lighter than other instant messaging applications.

Not only that, the interface design of this application is also quite intuitive and easy to use, so even if it's your first time using it, it won't take you long to master it.

2. Available on various operating systems

LINE in fact can not only be used on Android or iOS smartphones, but this application made by LINE Corporation also provides special applications for several operating systems such as Windows, Windows Phone, MacOS, and so on.

Even if you are lazy to do the installation process, you can also use the LINE extension available on Google Chrome.

3. Some features of LINE smartphone are available on LINE PC

Some features on LINE smartphone you can't find on LINE for PC. But you don't need to worry, because almost all of the main features of LINE you can still use on a PC, such as features for sending voice messages, videos, stickers, emoticons, and so on.

4. LINE smartphone does not need to be activated

One of the advantages of LINE compared to other PC instant messaging applications is that it can run on its own without having to be synchronized in real-time with LINE on a smartphone. Unlike WhatsApp, where users can only use it if WhatsApp on the smartphone is connected to the internet, now by using LINE, you don't need to do that.

5. End-to-end encryption

Even if you use it on your computer, your conversations will remain secure. Just like LINE on a smartphone, your conversations will also be secured using end-to-end encryption, so you don't have to worry about security.

In short, LINE for Windows PC is a must-try application for LINE users who often work with computers. By using this application you can be more flexible when having a conversation.

Release Notes
  • Improved performance.
  • Bug fixes.

Download the Latest LINE for Windows PC

  • Latest Version:
  • Publisher: LINE Corporation
  • Operating System: Windows
  • App Category: Social Media
  • License: Freeware

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