Understanding Open Source and its Advantages and Disadvantages

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Understanding Open Source and its Advantages and Disadvantages

In a computer, there is an operating system and software installed so that a computer can function properly. Of course, this software is made and distributed, so it is closely related to the name of the license. The license is used to protect the copyright of the software, so that someone's work is more respected.

A software for computers is usually paid. For example, if you use the Windows operating system, which also has Ms Office installed in it, the operating system and software are paid software. You need to pay the manufacturer first before you can use it legally.

In addition to the paid system, there is also a system called "Open Source" which does not require users to pay, can be accessed for free and legally. The following will explain the meaning of open source along with the kinds, advantages and disadvantages of open source.

Understanding Open Source

Open source is a development license whose management is not coordinated by a single individual or a central institution, but is coordinated by users who work together in the use of source code (source code) that is freely available and can be accessed or modified by anyone. Basically, open source implements a take and give development pattern.

Everyone can use an open source program for free, then if it is felt that the program is lacking or requires additional features, the user can modify it and contribute to making the program better. The freedom to work is highly upheld by the open source pattern.

Users are free to work without any intervention to study, change, tamper with, add to certain sections, correct, or declare that a source code has an error.

In addition, users can also redistribute the program or open source software for use by many people. Although it seems that every user is free to make modifications, of course it must be accompanied by full responsibility and not carelessly in making modifications.

Open Source Examples

Open Source Examples

Below are various examples of operating systems or software that use an open source license as well as some paid software for comparison.

1. Open Source Operating Systems: For example, UNIX, Linux, and various derivatives. Linux itself has several types of variants (distros), such as Slackware, Debian, SuSE, and RedHat. Distinguish with paid operating systems such as Windows and MacOS.

2. Image and Photo Editor Software: For example GIMP, InkScape, Abhishek's GLIMPSE and Digikam. Also distinguish it from paid software such as Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw.

3. Office Editor: For example LibreOffice and OpenOffice. This open source-based office application is different from paid office applications such as Microsoft Office.

4. Smartphone Operating System: Android and Firefox OS use an open source license, while Windows Phone and iOS are paid operating systems.

Various Software Licenses Apart from Open Source

In addition to open source software that can be accessed or modified for free, there are several other types of software that can also be accessed for free, but differ from open source, both in terms of usage time, the presence of advertisements, and whether or not the source code is visible or not. The following are the types of software licenses other than open source licenses:
  • Freeware: software that is free to use, but the user cannot see the source code, it is also required not to modify the software. A freeware usually does not have a limit on the amount and time of use.

  • Shareware: software that can be downloaded and used for trial only. The hallmark of shareware is that there is a time limit for use, for example 7 days or 30 days. After that, the software can no longer be used or locked. If the user is satisfied, then they can buy the software.

  • Adware: software that is free, it's just that there are a lot of ads when running. These ads are like a source of income for the makers / developers of the software.

Advantages of Open Source

Software that uses an open source license has several advantages, including:

1. Free Users Develop System: Open source allows users to learn the source code of a software (understand it little by little).

After the user is free to see and understand the source code, the user can also analyze whether there is anything that needs to be improved / added from the source code, then modify it (if needed) so that the software is better than before. Modifications can also be intended so that a new system appears in accordance with the wishes of the user.

2. Is a Legal System: By using open source software, users will not violate the law because the device is not commercially controlled by a certain party. It's different, for example, if a user uses pirated software that is not actually free, which means it violates the law and can be subject to certain sanctions.

3. No Piracy: Because all users are free to use and modify open source software, no user can pirate it, because the software is already distributed for free, everyone can get it easily without paying. Usually, piracy occurs because the price of software is quite expensive and not everyone can buy it.

Disadvantages of Open Source

Unfortunately, in addition to all the advantages of open source, there are also some disadvantages, for example:

1. Without Funding and Marketing Support: Unlike other software that is supported by funds and marketing from the company, open source licenses do not have this support, so it takes quite a long time to introduce software that uses an open source license. For people who don't understand it, open source software or operating systems are too foreign and ultimately few people know and use them.

2. Some Open Source Application Interfaces Are Less Familiar: The appearance of open source software may be different from that of closed source software, so users must try to understand it in a self-taught way or familiarize themselves with the display.

For example, maybe you are used to using the Windows operating system (close source operating system), which in fact is the most popular operating system. And if you want to use an open source operating system such as Linux, of course you have to adapt to the appearance and navigation menu on the Linux operating system which is slightly different from Windows.

Thus a discussion of the meaning of open source, examples, and advantages and disadvantages. Hopefully the explanation above makes you know more about what open source is and also various other software licenses such as freeware, shareware or adware.

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