Download mp3DirectCut 2.36

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Download mp3DirectCut 2.36

mp3DirectCut is an application for editing MP3. can delete some parts of the file, change the volume, split files as well as master audio effects. Choosing a program for editing audio files is widely available both online and offline for now, every user already knows exactly what he wants to do with the audio track to be managed, therefore, you should understand what functions are actually needed. 

There are several sound editor applications, some aimed at professionals and others for standard general users that require just a few clicks. If you have a large collection of songs in MP3 format, surely you have never wanted to make one of your song collections as a ringtone on your cellphone. 

But sometimes we have to delete some parts of the song, or change the volume so that it becomes a song that is suitable for use as your favorite ringtone on your smartphone. To edit songs in the MP3 format, then mp3DirectCut is the right solution to do it all.

Listening to songs also feels more comfortable, because we can choose our favorite songs for our own collection on our cellphones or laptops. But have you ever imagined that the MP3 file was slightly edited with a specific purpose such as adding its duration or inserting additional sound using special software that is very easy to use such as mp3DirectCut.

What distinguishes this application from most audio editing software is that it directly manipulates audio files without having to decompress them first. This not only results in a faster workflow, but also preserves the original audio quality as there is no need to recompress.

When a friend is listening to a favorite song where the volume of the song is very small, so that even though the volume on the Smartphone is raised to full it is still not loud and the sound is maximum. This can be overcome by changing or increasing the volume of the song using Mp3DirectCut, other editing examples such as adding or reducing the length of the running duration of the MP3 and of course there are many more uses for this MP3 application.

Download the Latest mp3DirectCut

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: Martin Pesch
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

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