TinyWall 3.2.5 Free Download

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Download TinyWall 3.2.5

TinyWall is an application that emulates an add-on that provides protection through the firewall by means of configuration options that don't require constant pop-ups or complicated settings.

TinyWall is equipped with a built-in rule which by default will block incoming or outgoing connections, in this case uploading and downloading data. You can manually use the app's Whitelist feature, which lets you use study mode which will let all traffic run automatically.

This Firewall app also comes with an option to unblock all LAN traffic, which will limit the incoming and outgoing internet traffic according to your settings. Other features include the option to protect password settings, detect threatening intrusions, block all integrated malware, while except, IPv6 support, and more.

With Tinywall, laptop and computer users can temporarily disable some applications that might be connected to the internet. Or block all connections. Other features such as limiting applications connected to the LAN network but still working on the internet line. And provide information on a list of applications that can and should be blocked on the list.

Unblock all local network traffic. This feature can be very useful if you have many communication applications in your home or office network.

Tinywall can choose what applications are blocked from the internet. For example, we do not want a software to update periodically (because it works automatically). The software is always actively connected to the internet every time it is active.

Or we don't want any application running, but we don't know the name of the application. It could be an official application, but it could be a malicious application such as trojans, malware that disguises itself as other applications. And secretly trying to use the internet network from the computer that we use.

TinyWall has 5 Firewall protection modes:
  • Normal protection: Protect your computer normally like Windows Firewall.
  • Block All: You cannot use the internet and your laptop/computer cannot access the internet.
  • Allow Outgoing: Computers can only send data to the Internet, but computers cannot receive data from the Internet to our computers.
  • Disable Firewall: The firewall will be turned off automatically.
  • AutoLearn: TinyWall will adjust the security automatically.

Download the Latest TinyWall

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: Karoly Pados
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

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