Download SRWare Iron 104.0.5300.0

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SRWare Iron is a browser modification of the Google Chrome source code. especially for those of you who want to have a high level of privacy when surfing the internet.

Google Chrome is a browser with a very fast engine when used for browsing. Unfortunately, using it often makes us lose privacy. Why? because this one browser sends a lot of logs to Google's servers when we surf the internet.

For this reason, the SRWare Iron browser is specially made for those of you who want to surf the internet quickly using the Google Chrome base engine, but don't want your privacy data to be sent to Google's servers.

Web Browser Iron is an open source web browser which is an implementation of the Chrome web browser which has the main goal of eliminating user tracking and other eavesdropping functions that are usually found in the Google Chrome web browser. 

Other similarities between the Iron browser and Chrome include in terms of appearance, menu options, navigation, URL input boxes, and bookmarks features. This one browser can be said to be similar or exactly the same as Google Chrome. Starting from the display, navigation, menu options, URL input box, bookmarks. Everything. Perhaps the difference is the logo located in the lower left corner of the browser (icon display).

The difference with Google Chrome, the Iron web browser does not provide extra privacy but implements some additional features that make it different from Google Chrome, such as AdBlocker with integrated notes.

The difference lies in the internal features of this browser, where SRWare really protects your privacy. But don't forget about the convenience of its users so that if you often use the Google Chrome browser, you will have no trouble using SRWare Iron because its use is easy and simple.

Because it is almost the same in all respects with Google Chrome, this browser has a capable speed. Not inferior to Google Chrome which is the fastest browser at this time.

Download SRWare Iron

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: SRWare
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
SRWare Iron 100.0.5100.0 for WINDOWS, Mac & LINUX

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