Download Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.53.13 - Erzedka

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Download Mozilla SeaMonkey 2.53.12

SeaMonkey is an all in one application in one application package that contains a web browser, IRC Client, e-mail, news group and HTML editor. So everything has covered some of the things you need when browsing the internet.

To add to your insight, previously, this application was not SeaMonkey, but formerly called the Mozilla Application Suite, which is a development of the old Netscape Navigator browser made by Netscape Communication Corporation.

This web application is a multi-functional application that is open source so you can use it without spending any money or free. In addition, this program is also a cross-platform application, so it can be used on any operating system, be it Windows, Mac, or Linux.

SeaMonkey is a community project to make SeaMonkey an all-in-one internet application suite, like the popular software suite previously created by Netscape and Mozilla, and the SeaMonkey project continues that concept. Consisting of an Internet browser, email & newsgroup client, HTML editor, IRC chat and web development tools, SeaMonkey is recommended for advanced users, web developers and corporate users.

Sea Monkey or in full Mozilla Sea Monkey is an internet suite, which is a combination of a web browser to surf the internet, an e-mail client to receive and send e-mails, a news client to receive news and an HTML editor to edit web pages using HTML (Hypertext). Text Mark-Up Language).

In the Window menu you can directly access the browser (Firefox Navigator), mail and Mozilla Thunderbird, HTML editor (SeaMonkey Composer), address book, and IRC chat (ChatZilla).

Download the Latest SeaMonkey

With this app, you can create multiple profiles, new e-mail accounts, compose new messages, open a new composer page where we can write HTML code, allow Firefox to find links or texts you type, or switch to full screen mode.

Apart from that, it can decode characters, change the SeaMonkey theme, access browsing history, translate the entire content of a page, manage cookies, images, popups, data, passwords, downloads and add-ons, set up synchronization, and access web development (Error Console , DOM Inspector, JavaScript Debugger).

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developers: Mozilla
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

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