Download Wise Program Uninstaller 3.0.4

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Download Wise Program Uninstaller

Wise Program Uninstaller is Freeware to remove/uninstall stubborn applications that cannot be deleted from the computer system with the Windows default uninstaller. Microsoft continues to develop the operating system. But there are things that have not changed significantly, because there is always a registry left when you delete a software. Wise Program Uninstaller provides an easy solution to remove software without leaving any data and registry entries.

However, did you know that the Uninstall a program built-in feature of Windows or the built-in uninstall feature of the program itself is not able to completely uninstall (uninstall) the program. Generally, uninstalling a program using one of these uninstall features will leave files, folders and registry junk that will remain or remain on the computer.

This application is very easy and light to open. It doesn't require a lot of resources, but its flagship features are very useful for you. Wise Program Uninstaller's interface is quite simple so you can easily understand how it works.

There are two main options of this application, namely safe uninstall and forced uninstall. As the name implies, the Safe Uninstall option is for software that can be uninstalled easily with tools from Windows, while Forced Uninstall will force you to uninstall applications that normally cannot be uninstalled using Windows. 

Well, this feature will obviously be a lot you need. What's more, this app completely deletes all the nail-nagging temporary folders and files on the app you want to uninstall.

The Thorough Removal Wise program has a Force uninstall facility to remove programs that cannot be uninstalled, or are damaged. This software uses advanced program search algorithms to find remnants of files that are still left after you uninstall a program so that they can be removed.

Repairing Programs, As the name implies, Wise Uninstaller helps you to uninstall programs that cannot be uninstalled. Apart from that, you can also use it to fix some programs that you want but don't work properly. This application is very easy and light to open. It doesn't require a lot of resources, the Wise Program's interface is simple enough so you can easily understand how it works.

Download the Latest Wise Program Uninstaller

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: WiseCleaner
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

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