Download AcaStat for Mac

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Download AcaStat Free for Mac

AcaStat is one such application because it helps you analyze collected sample data, and then generate charts and reports based on the sample values ​​you provide to it. Reliable and easy-to-use statistics generator with a complete interface 
The program can help you acquire the basic skills needed in the field of statistics, providing you with an environment stable to perform sample analysis. This way, you can draw conclusions based on the analyzed statistics. 
In addition, the application can generate graphs based on the data you provide, giving you a better understanding of the progress of an analyzed process. For example, you can display a graph of a process recorded for a certain period of time, easily observing all abnormal values ​​recorded during a given time.
The AcaStat demo allows data entry of up to 50 observations. While some features of the SumStat tab are disabled, the demo allows you to use sample data to explore most processes. 

New in version 10.6.1 

  • Increase the display of the message box to show the operating status when deleting or performing a process that uses large data files.
  • Processing speed improvements for Crosstabs, Correlation, Spearman Rho, ANOVA, Kruskal Wallace, and the Reports module when working with large data files. 
  • Bug fix: 
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the random sampling process from filling the data grid. 
  • Improved output log list display to fix scrolling of long lists in the Output tab. 

Download AcaStat

We regularly update the app to make it better for you. Get the latest version of all  the  AcaStat Mac features available for Mac.This release includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.

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