Download Enigma for Windows

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Download Enigma for Windows

Enigma could be a puzzle game impressed by Oxyd on the Atari ST and Rock'n'Roll on the Amiga. the item of the sport is to seek out pairs of identically coloured Oxyd stones. 

Hidden traps, large mazes, optical maser beams, and, most of all, incalculable furry puzzles typically block your direct thanks to the Oxyd stones.

There are minds that are born to succeed and therefore the creators of this game appear to be a number of them. yet as making the implausibly habit-forming Enigma, some of its developers have worked with the developing team behind games like Unreal Tournament. 

now around it's nothing to try and do with house nor shooting at everything that moves, Enigma could be a fast and easy-to-understand puzzle, however its addictiveness is its greatest appeal.

One of the best puzzle games for PC

Once installed and launched, this game allows us to choose the screen that we want to play, all the ones that appear at the beginning are easy, little more than making a ball bounce off something or searching for identical tiles, but as we advance in level we'll notice how the realistic physics and obstacles we come across aren't as simple as they seem.

The game has really nicely developed 2D graphics, the game can even be configured in high definition so that enjoying these puzzles can be a great experience both for our brain as well as our sight.

Download Enigma

We update the app regularly so we can make it better for you. Get the latest version for all of the available Enigma features. This version includes several bug fixes and performance improvements.


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