Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Professional Logo

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Every business whether it is on a micro, macro or conventional scale, especially digital business, of course has a logo as company branding. Having a professional logo will increase the credibility and integrity of a business.

Because the logo is considered to contain the company's philosophy so that it becomes a visual representation that introduces the company to all potential customers. A good logo is very beneficial for businesses because it can increase brand awareness, personal branding, brand identity, and user engagement.

Logo, Typography and Color are a single entity that becomes the identity and real expression of the brand of a business. Logos can be at the forefront and play a crucial role for a business. Why do businesses need a professional logo? Simply because a logo can communicate ownership, quality, and value of a brand.

And maybe the first impression from potential customers to a brand is the logo. An unsavory logo can lead to a negative assessment from them. So, if you want to learn more about the benefits and importance of a logo for a company or business, then keep following this article, OK?

Why do you need a professional logo for Businesses?

Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Professional Logo

The following will describe some of the main reasons and explanations regarding the importance of a professional logo to support business continuity.

1. As an Attractive Trademark

The first reason why a business needs a professional logo is because it is used as a trademark. Sometimes consumers will find it difficult to memorize and remember your brand name. However, as visual creatures, they tend to be easier to recognize and remember the logo of a brand that has attractive visuals.

A logo that is unique, beautiful, attractive, and authentic is able to enchant the eyes of consumers to be curious and interested in trying their products. An example of a good logo design is the giant Starbucks brand. They have a very distinctive logo. The Starbucks logo also contains a historical philosophy in the form of a siren which is depicted as a hope that Starbucks can entice coffee lovers to subscribe.

Therefore, don't be half-hearted in making a company logo. Make the logo as attractive as possible to use as a trademark so that consumers will always remember your brand.

2. As A Marketing Psychology Strategy To Influence Customers

The next reason why businesses need a professional logo is related to marketing psychology. Do Erzedka Friends know that a logo can be one of the strategies to make Marketing Psychology successful? For those of you who are still wondering what Marketing Psychology is, here's a simple explanation.

Marketing Psychology is the science of psychology that relates human behavior to marketing activities with the aim of having maximum sales. Logo is a branding element that is very necessary to support Marketing Psychology.

The connection between the logo made with consumer psychology also needs to be considered by the company. Even a basic understanding of the influence of the psychology of logo shapes in the world of design is sufficient to illustrate how important different patterns are to the perception of potential customers.

In the following, several examples of the connection between the use of logo design patterns and marketing psychology will be presented. For example, if your company wants to present a philosophy of softness, strength and stability, you can use a circle pattern for the logo.

However, if a company wants to present a philosophy of balance, professionalism and proportion, then it can choose a square pattern to create a logo. The triangular logo shape is able to describe philosophy with a dynamic and flexible impression.

Meanwhile, if the company tries to present a natural, creative, expansive, and warm philosophy, then it can choose organic and spiral shape patterns on the logo. Finally, you can also add a stripe pattern to the logo to show a calm but firm and calm impression.

3. Giving Prestige or Pride

The next reason why businesses need a professional logo is to provide a sense of pride. Of course, it cannot be denied that a neat, good, unique and professional logo will give its owner pride.

Not only does it give prestige to brand owners, but consumers can also be proud. Of course, you often find logos made into stickers, right? So, logo stickers with professional and cool patterns and shapes will be a matter of pride for consumers to display and stick on consumers' personal items.

4. Making It More Recognizable

Why a business needs a professional logo is also associated with brand awareness. A logo as a trademark of a brand can help increase brand awareness and user engagement. A brand with a good track record and having an authentic brand and logo will find it easier to attract new potential customers.

Because it is undeniable that most consumers will choose the type of product or service that is already branded and prestigious. Well, a brand logo will help to increase the selling value and value of a product.

5. Displays the Unique Selling Point (USP) of the Brand

Unique Selling Point (USP) is the uniqueness and characteristics of a brand that differentiates it from competitors. USP is needed so that a brand can continue to grow, keep up with market trends, and not be eroded by competition.

USP can actually be shown on the brand logo. Because a professional brand logo can represent many things, from the brand's background to their vision and mission through appropriate icons, patterns and fonts. In other words, a well-crafted logo can be used as a USP to show potential customers that your brand is better than the competition.

So, a few tips so that the logo created can represent the Unique Selling Point (USP) of the brand, so you have to do some research first about your competitors (their strengths and weaknesses). Then try to emphasize your advantage over competitors through visual treats on the logo.

How do I make my logo look professional?

Tips for Creating a Professional Logo

To complete Erzedka Friends' understanding of the ins and outs of a logo, here are a few tips for making an impressive logo.

1. Creating a Logo Is Simple

Creating a logo doesn't need to be too complicated and complex. Because according to Design Hack, creating a pattern and logo design that is similar to the brand name will make the logo more easily recognized and remembered by their customers. A logo that is easy for consumers to remember will enhance brand identity. Even a simple logo is usually timeless so it can last a long time.

As an example of the logo of one of the biggest fashion brands today, namely Nike. The logo from Nike is very simple and represents the product well. Because the philosophy that Nike wants to highlight is a shoe product that can accompany consumers to exercise comfortably.

In addition, superior products from Nike are "running shoes". So they created a logo that depicts one of the wings on a statue of the Greek Goddess. The wings symbolize victory. And since 1972 until now, the wing has received the nickname "Swoosh". So that even with a simple logo design, the Nike brand can still convey the philosophy and vision and mission of products that are right on target to consumers.

The colors used in the Nike brand logo are also very neutral, namely the red and white palette, so they are suitable when pasted in various types of their products.

2. Paying Attention to Color Selection

The following tips for creating a professional logo relate to color selection. Why do businesses need a professional logo? Because a logo can be a visual first impression when consumers evaluate a brand. Therefore, an error in mixing and matching colors can result in a messy logo.

We recommend that your logo design use neutral colors or primary colors. This is because neutral and primary colors can make combinations that are simple, easy to remember, and don't seem 'tacky'. The primary colors include blue, yellow and red.

Meanwhile, neutral colors include black, white, brown, and gray. Apart from knowing about the types of colors, to make a good logo you also need to understand the philosophy of color. For example, black has a philosophy of strength, elegance, firmness and formality. So that the black color will be suitable for use as part of the typography of the logo.

3. Make a Logo that Can Keep Up with the Times

Even though the logo that Erzedka Friends created is timeless, it still needs to be updated occasionally to stay abreast of culture and times. The world is increasingly developing in a digital direction, something that is simple, simple, easy to remember, but still eye-catching and stunning is more in demand by many people.

For example, you can simplify your logo every five years to make sure it stays up to date with the changing times. Or you can also include elements that are trending in your logo design regularly every year so that you can continue to attract the attention of consumers.

What is the best online tool to make a logo?

Well, now is the time for you to directly practice the process of making a brand logo. Don't worry, because now there are many free online tools that can facilitate you to create a logo. Come on, see more in the discussion below!

1. PixelLab

PixelLab is a smartphone-based application which is very popular among art lovers and designers. Currently, PixelLab users have reached more than 50 million people.

This application is equipped with various interesting features and is very useful in helping logo design work. The versatile features possessed by PixelLab include Regular Effects, Color, Draw, 3D Text, Edit Image, and others.

2. Canva

With a total of more than 100 million users worldwide, it is not surprising that Canva has been named the online design tool that is in great demand by the public. Canva has a responsive User Interface design so it can be used on desktop or mobile.

Another advantage of Canva is that it offers ease of use. Erzedka Friends only needs to register for free using an email or Facebook account. The features and services that Canva has are very complete, starting from thousands of stickers, fonts, templates and themes that you can use freely for free.

3. Logo Maker

The recommended online tool for making the last logo is Logo Maker. As the name implies, this one tool has the main function of designing logos quickly and easily. Logo Maker is often used to create logos for online shops.

The features possessed by Logo Maker are professional fonts, templates, themes, and text editing. But there is no ivory that is not cracked. Logo Maker also has a weakness, namely not all features can be accessed for free. So you need to pay a fee to subscribe and enjoy premium features.


Why do businesses need a professional logo? This is because a good, unique and attractive logo can increase brand awareness, personal branding, brand identity and user engagement.

In addition, a professional logo is also considered capable of being used as a marketing psychology strategy to influence customers, displaying a brand's unique selling point (USP), giving prestige or a sense of pride, and making it easier to be recognized.

A few tips for making a good logo, namely that you have to create a simple logo to make it easier to remember, pay attention to the color combinations on the logo, and also ensure that the logo is timeless so that it keeps up with the times and culture.

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