Download Game Hunter for Mac

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Game Hunter for Mac, like its sister app DVD Hunter for Mac, provides users with a way to  catalog and comprehensively track  their vast video game collection. However, the level of detail provided by this app can be a bit overwhelming. 
Installation was quick and easy, and we added games to our newly created catalog in just a few minutes. The intuitive interface means less hassle  adding titles and filling in different data fields. We entered a few words in the title field and clicked "Autocomplete" to pull the rest of the information from Amazon's database.
In doing so, however, we found that some  fields were unnecessary. We wondered if  gamers needed to sort their game collection by UPC code or by age. These may seem more useful to sellers, but Game Hunter for Mac is designed for collectors, with no option to add a price or note whether it's  sold or not. 
There's a feature to track the game's loan history, integrating your contacts into the app to determine which of your friends or family  borrowed it. You can also check  the status of the game - "Unplayed", "Playing" or "Completed" - information that even  casual players will know by heart.

Download Free Game Hunter

Game Hunter for Mac is designed to keep serious video game collectors at the top of their collection and not lose track of their titles. bought. While the level of detail it provides may be more than necessary, the app works as expected and is definitely worth a try.

Download Game Hunter for Mac


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