What is Localhost? Local Host IP Address Explained for You

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If you have ever or are learning to create a website, perhaps localhost is a term that is commonly heard. But for some people, they might be wondering, what is localhost?

Don't worry, the answer is here. This time, we invite you to learn about the meaning of localhost website, how to use localhost, local host functions, and types of local server software. You're curious, right? Immediately, here is the complete article!

What is Localhost?

What is Localhost?

Localhost is the technical term for when you use your own computer as a local server. Because it is used as a server, you can access the files on the computer. In short, there is nothing special about the definition of localhost for this website. It's just that ordinary people will still call their computer a "computer". Meanwhile, for programmers or developers, they tend to refer to computers as "local hosts".

Apart from the different names, the way to access files is also not the same. Ordinary users use a file manager to open files. Meanwhile, for IT people, the way to open localhost to access files is a bit different.

First, they need to install local host server software or applications. Then, they open a browser and type localhost in the Address Bar. Only after that, they can access the desired folder or file. Oh yes, because it is accessed via a browser, localhost also has its own IP address. 

By default, the localhost IP is That way, you can access the IP address in the browser to open the local host. Localhost is often known as the loopback address. This will be discussed more fully in the next section.

What is Loopback IP

The loopback address is the IP address used to access the localhost or virtual server on your computer. In fact, all websites have a special IP address that makes them accessible to computers. However, because IP address numbers are difficult to remember, finally a domain name was created. In other words, localhost is also a domain because it has its own IP address.

Localhost IP addresses range from to, but the default is If you access over an IPv4 connection, you will be redirected to your own server, and this event is called a loopback. You can also trigger a loopback over an IPv6 connection by entering :1.

The first three numbers, namely 127, are specifically used to trigger a loopback. So, Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) will immediately know that you want to call your computer locally if you enter an address that starts with these three numbers.

Therefore, there are no websites whose IP addresses start with the number 127. If forced to do so, a loopback will be triggered when the website is accessed; Instead of opening a website online, you will instead access a local virtual server on your computer's operating system.

What are the functions of Localhost?

Basically, the function of localhost is to access websites locally or offline. If you are a developer or network administrator, localhost will really help your work, for example to do the following things:

1. Testing Speed

For network administrators, one of the main tasks that must be done is to ensure that all equipment and TCP/IP are functioning properly. For that, you have to do a connection test and send a ping request to localhost.

To do this, if you are using Windows, open a command prompt and enter "ping localhost" or "ping". After the results appear, you can see network performance details, starting from the number of data packets received, sent or lost, to the time required for data transmission. Then, if a problem is found, you can fix it right away.

2. Testing Programs or Web Applications

For developers, localhost plays a very important role in creating and developing applications or programs that require an internet connection. When developing, developers are obliged to ensure that the application runs well. 

Using loopback to test, developers can make a connection to localhost, then test the application in the local environment on the computer or system used.

So, the system acts as a web server simulation through loopback. This way, developers can safely load files or programs to test their functionality before releasing them online.

3. Block sites

Another quite useful function of localhost is to block websites that you don't want or shouldn't access. Loopback can protect your browser from dangerous sites, for example those that contain viruses. Before finding out how to block sites with localhost, you should first know what the hosts file is and its function here.

So, all domains or websites must have an IP address. You can access the website thanks to the DNS (Domain Name System) which is tasked with finding the appropriate IP address based on the site's registration data. Well, your computer can help speed up this process by saving a hosts file for every site you ever visit.

This file contains the IP address and domain name of the website. You can change the IP address to When you open it again, the site whose host file you have changed will also point to localhost. The easiest example is when a company network admin blocks access to a website.

Localhost Server Application Type

Localhost Server Application Type

In the section on understanding localhost, we have discussed that to access a local server, you need to install the localhost application. So, here are three local host software that you can try:


XAMPP is one of the commonly used local server applications. This application is a derivative of Apache which uses MariaDB for its database, and PHP and Perl as its programming language.

XAMPP operating system support is quite extensive. You can install this app on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.  The good news is, XAMPP is open-source, so you can download and use it for free.


Like XAMPP, AMPPS is also an open-source local server application. In it, you will find Apache, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP, Perl, the Python programming language, and Softaculous Installer.

Because it has Softaculous installation features, AMPPS allows you to easily install various web applications such as WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal in a few clicks. However, Softaculous requires an internet connection to do so.

AMPPS can also be used on Windows, Linux, and Mac OS

3. WampServer

Wamp Server is your software for installing Apache, MySQL, and PHP on a local server. Like the two previous localhost applications, you can also download and use WampServer for free.

Unfortunately, WampServer is only intended for computers with the Windows operating system. If you are a Mac OS X or Linux user, then the previous two software are more appropriate options.


Now you know what localhost is, the complete definition of localhost, and the functions of localhost which are very useful. To help you remember, the term localhost is generally used when your computer functions as a local server. Apart from that, localhost is also a domain that allows you to test websites or programs and block certain websites to avoid viruses.

In this article, you already know what localhost and loopback IP are, how to open a localhost website, localhost functions, and recommended software for local servers that you can install. In short, localhost is an important aspect for you to use, especially if you are building a website or application project.

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