Latest Brother T500W Specifications and Prices 2023

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Latest Brother T500W Specifications and Prices 2022

Price and specifications of the T500W brother printer – After previously discussed the T Series brother printer which is famous for its efficient printing technology with original ink cartridges with an ink refill system, namely the specifications of the T700w brother printer and also the Brother T300 printer, this time we discuss the last type. From this brother printer series, the T500w type is the choice that mediates the two newest printers.

The Brother T500W printer is indeed presented as an intermediary between the two other latest Brother T printer series, this is more concerned with the budget so that it can be sufficient for those of you who need a brother printer with a wireless network.

The price of this Brother T500 printer is around $173.71 which includes 1 set of ink for use. This printer is perfect for use in office work environments, as well as individual uses that have high printing volumes.

The specifications of the Brother 500w printer are also quite complete because this printer is included in a multifunction type printer and still maintains its characteristic, namely an efficient printer for efficient printing, this latest type of Brother printer is equipped with the original brother manufacturer ink tube which can accommodate quite a lot of ink.

And perform automatic supply to the printing machine is often called the CISS system (Continuous Ink Supply System) or infusion. this makes it easier for every user from the process of injecting ink or changing cartridges.

The printer design presented also remains classy with a glossy black color with a box printer shape that already has the side of the ink tube on the inside of the right side of the printer permanently installed inside. The size of the Brother T500w printer is also quite small because of the concept of saving space, so the Brother T500 printer is quite easy to place anywhere.

For printing problems, the brother t500w printer can print up to 6000 sheets of each ink, both color and black, the print speed on this printer is also quite fast, namely 27 ppm for black printing and 15 ppm for color printing in fast mode printing trials.

Brother DCP-T500w Multifunction Printer Specification Table

Printer Model 
Printer Features Refill Tank, Colour Print, Scaning , Copying
Print technology Inkjet Warn
Multifunction Printer
 Yes (Print, Copy, Scan)
Printer Memory
 64 Mb
Display LCD 16 characters × 1 line
Ink Saver Mode Yes
Print Speed
Draft printer print speed 27 ppm Black (Monochrome) 10 ppm Black (Colour)
ISO printer print speed 11 ipm (Monochrome) / 6 ipm (Colour)
Printing B/W & Color Copying
Copy Resolution up to 1200 × 2400 dpi
Fitur Copy reduce & enlarge 25% – 400%
Copy Resolution 99 sheet
Scanner Type B/W & Color Scanning
Scanner Resolution 1200 x 2400 dpi
Maks Interpolated Resolusi 19,200 x 19,200 dpi
Scanner Size 213.9 x 295 mm ( A4)
Fitur ‘Memindai ke’ E-mail, Image, OCR, Media Cards, File and USB Flash Memory
Paper Handling
Duplex mode Tidak
Max incoming paper 100 lembar
Supported paper A4, A5, A6, Exe, LTR, LGL , Photo 4X6 , Index Card,
Photo-2L C5 Envelope, DL Envelope, Photo (10 × 15 cm)
Max out paper 50 lsheet
Borderless printing Supor
Power Consumption
Printing 16 watt
Ready 2,5 watt
Sleep 0,7 watt
Printer off 0,2 watt
Other Information
Maximum Monthly Duty Cycle 2,500 Printed Pages
Noise Level 50 dB(A) (Maximum)
Compatible Operating System Windows XP/10/7/8/8.1 Win Server 2003 -2012 / Server 2012
Mac Os/linux
  •  Hi-Speed USB 2.0
  •  Wireless
Printer Size 435 mm x 374 mm x 161 mm (panjang x lebar x tinggi)
Weight 7.1 kg ( 11 kg pada kardus)
Warranty 3 year
Catridge Printer Brother DCP-T500w
  • Black ( BT6000 BK ) = 6000 Page
  • Cyan (  BT5000 C ) = 5000 Page
  • Magenta ( BT5000 M ) = 5000 Page
  • Yellow ( BT5000 Y ) = 5000 Page

Price of the Brother DCP-T500w Printer Printer

>> New : $173.71 – $201.50

Thus a little information and reviews regarding the price of the Brother DCP-T500 Printer, this is a series that is really right to choose as a printing machine in a medium or small size office, or one that is large enough because it is supported by an ink filling system that will allow printing to continue. 

So many things are important always ready to refill the original brother ink. Thank you, hope it's useful..

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