Without Complicated, Here's How to Remove Startup Programs in Windows

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Without Complicated, Here's How to Remove Startup Programs in Windows

Do you know how to remove startup programs in Windows? Windows is one of the most widely used operating systems, especially in Indonesia. This operating system has entered all existing sectors, such as education, health, finance, security, and so on.

The Windows operating system has an attractive appearance and is easy to use so that many people use Windows more than other operating systems.

In addition, Windows also has many features that you can use to make your work easier or just want to know what kind of system or program that runs on that operating system. However, most Windows users are still not really able to take advantage of all the existing features. Even for the basic features they still can't use it.

One feature that is rarely known by Windows users, especially beginners is the Task Manager. Let alone using this feature, they know that in Windows there is a feature called Task Manager, sometimes they don't even know about it. In fact, this feature is a basic feature that Windows users must know because it is very useful for their activities, especially when things go wrong.

How to Remove Startup Programs in Windows

One of the functions possessed by the Task Manager is to control what programs are running or being processed in the Windows operating system.

Usually some people call it a Startup Program. By knowing what programs are running, we can know what programs will make the performance of the computer or laptop heavy and what programs cause the computer or laptop to slow down. Here are the steps on how to remove startup programs in Windows:

1. First of all, you need to open the Task Manager by right-clicking the Windows icon / logo located in the lower left corner of the desktop. Or to be faster, you can press Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

2. After the Task Manager window opens, then click Startup.

3. After that select which program you want to remove from startup then select Disable. For example, here I want to remove IDM from the startup program.

Removing Startup Programs in Windows 3


As we have explained that the Task Manager is a basic feature that we can use to find out what programs are running. The running program is also known as the startup program. Knowing this information, we can get information about which programs are consuming the most memory and which programs are taking up the least memory.
Usually the programs that require the most programs can cause the performance of our computers or laptops to be disrupted.

One of these programs is a video editing application or even HD resolution games that do require a large amount of memory or RAM consumption. Just imagine if your computer only has 2 or 4 GB of RAM. There are games or heavy applications that actually make your computer slow and even blank.

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