How to Download Website Backup Files on cPanel

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In some cases, we must have needed a file in cpanel, it could be a backup file, or an important file. But before you can download files on cpanel, of course you have to upload them first.

Follow this practical guide to easily download website backup files in cPanel easily. Performing regular data backups is very necessary to prevent permanent data loss. Especially if the data is related to a website, it is very important to know how to easily download website backup files in cPanel.

Backing up data is intended in case a problem occurs or the server is damaged, this can be resolved because you have a copy.

Even though hosting services can do backups, you still need to do your own backups to anticipate undesirable things. Below are three methods that you can follow to backup website files in cPanel.

Types of Backups

You can back up your cPanel hosting account in three ways, namely manual website backup, automatic full account backup, and automatic home directory backup.

Manual website backup is a feature that functions to save relevant website files and will not download other files so that the size of the files being backed up is small.

Automatic full account backup is a built-in feature in the cPanel system. This feature is usually found in CMS such as website home directories, MySQL DNS and email settings.

Automatic home directory backup is a feature that allows you to have a small size backup file because the download results only consist of website files and emails.

How to Download cPanel Website Backup Files

How to Download Website Backup Files on cPanel

Before backing up files, first make sure you have access to cPanel from your hosting service account.

1. Manual Website Backup

Manual website backup allows you to back up website files with a small file size because through this command only files that are truly relevant are saved.

  • To perform a manual website backup, you first have to select the location of the files you want to backup when the process starts
  • Next, select the file manager menu in the members area
  • From the main page, select the root folder on your website. The root folder is where the website files are stored.

Usually this file is in the public_html section if the website has not been installed on a subdomain, addon domain or sub folder

  • Next, right-click on the website's main folder and select compress in the popup menu that appears
  • Select and click the desired compression type. Apart from that, in this section you can also edit the name of the file being backed up
  • When finished, click the compress files button
  • Wait until a popup appears showing the backup status, when it is finished then you can close the popup
  • After closing the popup, click download website backup file so that the download starts.

2. Automatic Full Account Backup

Automatic full account backup allows you to carry out a complete backup because this backup is a built-in feature in the cPanel system. The download results will include the website directory, email, MySQL database, and DNS settings.

So this option is highly recommended for those of you who want to completely transfer your account because you will move to another hosting service using cPanel.

The following is how to download a cPanel website backup file via automatic full account backup:

  • Go to the members area of your hosting then click on the manage services section
  • Look for the quick shortcut menu to cPanel
  • In this section select and click files
  • After that, click the backup menu
  • After entering the next page, select and click the download a full account backup button
  • Next, select and click the home directory which you can find in the drop down menu. If you want to get a notification after the download process is complete, you can fill in the email address column
  • Next, select and click the generate backup button
  • If the process has started you will see a message that the backup process is in progress. To find out whether the backup process is complete, you can press the go back button
  • In the backup available for download section you can check the name of the backed up file. The existence is .tar.gz followed by information regarding the backup time

If the status is still in progress, it means that the backup process has not been completed and is still in progress

3. Automatic Home Directory Backup

Next, we will discuss how to download cPanel website backup files via automatic home directory backup.

Automatic home directory backup is perfect for those of you who want to get downloads with smaller backup file sizes because they only contain email and website backup files.

  • Through the cPanel page you can select the backup menu in the files section
  • Go to the next page and scroll down to the partial backup menu
  • In the download a home directory backup section, you can press the home directory button
  • Next, the process of downloading the website backup file will automatically take place
  • Wait until the process is complete and you can have a complete backup file

The Benefits of Doing a Website Backup

As mentioned above, backing up website files is usually just in case there are problems in the future or the server is damaged.

Apart from that, there are several other benefits of doing regular website backups via cPanel. The following are some of the benefits of website file backup.

1. Prevent Data Loss

Backing up files regularly can prevent you from losing data due to technical errors, malware attacks, or other unforeseen problems.

If something unexpected happens, such as damage to the website that you manage, you can restore the website via data backup in an easy way.

2. Simplify the Migration Process

Backing up website files will make it easier for you when you want to move from one server to another. By doing regular backups, you can move data from the old server to the new server easily and quickly.

3. Maintain Data Security

Backing up website files regularly is an important step to keep your data safe. Sometimes as a human you can accidentally make mistakes.

An example is deleting important files accidentally. Regular backups allow you to resolve the problem by restoring lost files.

4. Provides Data Backup

The backup data that has been downloaded will be very useful if one day it is needed in an urgent situation. Because you have a backup of your website data files, you don't need to worry about losing important data.

5. Meets Regulatory Requirements

There are several organizations and industries that need to meet certain regulatory requirements for data recovery and storage. By backing up website files, you can fulfill these requirements and perform data recovery quickly.

From the guide on how to easily download website backup files on cPanel above, it can be concluded that backing up data regularly is very important in maintaining the security and integrity of your website data. Data backup aims to prevent data loss due to technical problems, malware attacks, or other unexpected errors.

It's Important to Back Up Your Website in cPanel!

It's Important to Back Up Your Website in cPanel!

This guide presents three ways that you can follow to back up website files on cPanel, namely manual website backup, automatic full account backup, and automatic home directory backup. Each method has its own advantages and benefits, depending on the user's needs and preferences.

Website file backups are very important because they can simplify the migration process to another server, maintain data security, provide data backup in urgent situations, and meet certain regulatory requirements for data recovery and storage.

By performing regular backups, you can feel more secure and prepared to face various emergency situations that may occur. Make sure you store your backup files in a safe place and protect them from unauthorized access. This way, you can easily restore website data if problems or data loss occurs.

Through this guide, it is hoped that you will be able to better understand the importance of backing up data and be able to easily download website backup files on cPanel to maintain the security and smooth running of your online business or project.


In this article you have learned 3 ways to download cPanel backups, namely automatic full account backup, automatic home directory backup, and manual website backup. Of the three ways to backup websites on cPanel that we have explained, you just have to choose the one that suits your needs.

With regular website backups, you will also ensure website data is always safe. Once you have a backup, you can easily restore your WordPress website if something happens, without having to rebuild the website from scratch.

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