WPS Office Free Download

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Download WPS Office for WINDOWS, MacOS  & LINUX

WPS Office is free office software that functions the same as Microsoft Office, but with a smaller program size and a more friendly appearance and without a license.

WPS Office is an Office Suite for Linux, Windows and Android, developed by Kingsoft China. With an attractive appearance like Microsoft Office, it is not surprising that this Office Suite program will compete with other Office Suite relatives such as LibreOffice, Google Docs. Three applications packaged in one package:
  • Writer – Word processing application
  • Presentation – Slideshow presentation maker
  • Spreadsheets – Spreadsheet application

Apart from the minimal use of the required hard disk space, the main attraction of this Office application is that it looks very familiar, similar to the appearance of Microsoft Office. 

Not only the appearance is similar, but also all the features, functions to the shortcuts. Even WPS Office is designed in such a way to be compatible with all types of Microsoft Office files. 

So, for people who want to switch from Microsoft Office to WPS Office, they will not encounter significant obstacles & obstacles. And all of these main attractions are packaged into one freeware package, aka free or not paid at all for the use of the full version.

This Office application is compatible with Office 97-2021 files (can read files from Office 97 to 2021). In general, here are some features of WPS Office Free:
  1. New user interface (such as Office 2007/2010) by providing 2 themes/colors. This is probably one of the advantages over similar free Office applications.
  2. The number of rows for Spreadsheet applications (such as Excel) becomes 1,048,576 and Columns 16,384
  3. There are 3 applications Writer (Word), Spreadsheet (Excel) and Presentation (Power point).
  4. Easier paragraph and table adjustment, drag & drop
  5. Small installation file size
  6. Includes direct conversion of Office documents to PDF
  7. Document encryption
  8. Various other features similar to MS OFfice 2007/2010 including the similarity of menu/icon positions.

Download the Latest WPS Office

  • License: Freeware 
  • Developer: WPSsoft
  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10/11

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