Tips for Overcoming Vertical Stripes

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Maybe many of you have ever encountered printer results that have vertical stripes or prints that look like they are sliced? my friend deserves to be upset right? This time you don't need to be upset or fail if you need this problem because we will provide tips on how to deal with vertical striped printer printouts. 

Actually, the damage while it is happening is indeed a lot, such as running out of ink, damaged cartridges, clogged printer heads, and others. If the problem prints with vertical stripes, the problem with the printer is the encoder. If you don't know what an encoder is, it draws a ribbon and attaches it to your printer cartridge housing. 

This time will provide how to overcome and also Tips for Overcoming Vertical Striped Print Results. Check out more information below:

Tips for Overcoming Vertical Stripes
Tips for Overcoming Vertical Stripes

Tips for Overcoming Vertical Stripes

The cause of the problem with the encoder is the ink that sticks to the encoder so that it saves the lines of code that are on its surface. The printer cannot produce a complete print because of this. How to deal with vertical striped printer printouts Of course you have to clean the encoder. How to clean it is quite easy, just follow these steps:

Printer Turn Off

Therefore, use a printer that is already in the dead and is not connected to the power cord or the cord is not plugged into a power outlet.

Prepare a head cleanser and dry tissue

How to deal with vertical striped printer prints because the encoder is dirty is not enough to just wipe it. You have to use a head cleaner that has been proven to be effective in storing ink attached to the printer. Drip dry tissue with a head cleanser, before use for scrubbing.

Use on encoder parts that replace ink

When cleaning the encoder with a network, do not rub too hard to protect the lines of code from being lost. Just do it slowly, to the right and to the left. Missing ink on the encoder is missing.

Test your printer buddy

After all the saved ink is gone, close the existing printer again, disassemble it then turn it on and use it to buy documents. Observe whether the printout is normal or not. Supposedly if you do this step correctly the printer will return to normal, unless there is damage to other parts of your printer.

Then, what if you are in a critical situation but do not have a cleaning head? There is one very easy solution to replace the head cleaner, which is to immerse the encoder in boiling water. After that, try to clean the ink that sticks with your fingernails. 

Remember, don't be too hard on cleaning, don't delete lines of code. When a line of code is damaged or missing, the encoder is no longer needed and you have to replace it with a new encoder. So many Tips for Overcoming Vertical Striped Print Results, hopefully it can help your printer problem.

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