What Is Ad Fatigue? How to Diagnose & Cure it

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If Erzedka Friends is currently managing a website or blog, then you can get additional dollar coffers through ad monetization (Google Adsense). Ad monetization is a method used to make money from advertisements installed on our content.

Or if Erzedka Friends has a product and wants to increase sales conversions, then you can use a content marketing strategy and place advertisements through Facebook Ads and Google Ads.

But if at this time you feel that the advertising strategy being implemented is not driving maximum sales results? Then it's possible that your target audience is experiencing Ads Fatigue. Luckily, Ads Fatigue can still be overcome through certain ways and methods.

So, what is Ads Fatigue and how to deal with it? Please refer to the detailed description in this article to find the answer, yes!

What is Ads Fatigue?

What Is Ad Fatigue? How to Diagnose & Cure it

According to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), "Fatigue" is a state when experiencing boredom, boredom, fatigue, or fatigue. So literally, Ads Fatigue can be interpreted as a condition in which your audience or target customers see ads too often so they get bored and lose interest.

The real impact that may be felt by brands when the Ads Fatigue phenomenon increases is that the CTR (Click Through Rate) number decreases. This declining CTR number can cause a significant reduction in ROI (Return of Investment), low engagement rates, campaign effectiveness not running normally, and sales conversions falling.

So, you can already imagine the fatal impact that could occur if Ads Fatigue is not addressed immediately.

In addition, the occurrence of Ads Fatigue can also have an impact on the Marketing Funnel. Marketing Funnel is a concept that describes the stages and processes that customers may go through when they are about to purchase a product. Marketing Funnels greatly affect the conversion rate (sales conversion value) because it can identify the reasons why potential customers cancel purchases.

The Marketing Funnel consists of several funnels, namely Awareness, Consideration, Purchase, Retention, and Advocacy. If Ads Fatigue occurs, it is possible that customers may become disinterested in advertisements and so cannot enter the next funnel level.

Therefore, it is very important for a brand to continue to monitor and understand the development of advertising strategies in order to avoid Ads Fatigue.

What are the signs of ad fatigue?

For Erzedka Friends who are still confused and confused about how to detect Ads Fatigue, here are some general signs that your audience is starting to experience advertising boredom.

1. CTR Numbers For Low Ads

Click Through Rate (CTR) is a digital marketing metric that functions to measure the ratio between the number of clicks to the impression of the website page that is used as a sales target.

Getting to Know Ads Fatigue: Overcome Bored Audiences with Your Ads

2. CTR calculation formula: (Total Clicks / Impressions) x 100%

The CTR number of an ad over a period of time can be taken into consideration for detecting Ads Fatigue. If over time the CTR numbers continue to decrease, it is certain that your audience is experiencing Ads Fatigue.

CTR graphs that continue to decline can also be a sign that the marketing strategy being implemented is less effective. You can evaluate by trying various other digital marketing methods such as Video Marketing, Digital Ads (Facebook Ads and Google Ads), Email Marketing, and others.

If your business company is engaged in e-commerce, then a CTR number of > 2% is considered good enough. Because based on data compiled by SimilarWeb, the average CTR for Ads on e-commerce is 1.66%.

3. High Bounce Rate

Just like CTR, Bounce Rate is also a digital marketing metric. Bounce Rate is a value that measures the percentage of visitors who immediately leave a website page without exploring or doing anything. If the sales page on your website contains ads and it turns out that the Bounce Rate for that page is very high, then you can be sure that website visitors are experiencing Ads Fatigue.

Because a high bounce rate means that visitors don't feel comfortable lingering on the website. This can be because the content provided does not meet their expectations, the UI/UX is not user-friendly, the website load speed is slow, so that the ads displayed tend to be boring and boring.

As a result, if the bounce rate increases, it can also impact on the lead acquisition process which decreases. The impact can be felt in small sales conversions, so that the profit earned by the company has decreased drastically.

4. Low Ad Impressions

Impressions are the metric used to measure the number of impressions of an ad. If the impression number is high, then the ads displayed are attractive and have been seen by many visitors. Impressions are also still related to CTR. Where if the number of impressions is small, then automatically the number of clicks will also be small so that CTR decreases. 

Therefore, if the advertisements that you post on websites or social media have minimal impressions, you can be sure that Ads Fatigue may occur.

Low impressions can also be used as a benchmark for the lack of interaction the audience has with the installed advertising content. This is an indication if the audience is getting bored or bored with the same advertising content.

5. Interaction (Engagement) On Advertising Content Is Very Lonely

If Erzedka Friends works or has worked in the world of digital marketing, then of course you are already familiar with the term "Engagement". According to a communication expert named Wilbur Schramm, Engagement can be interpreted as two-way communication or interactional communication.

The key to interactive or two-way communication is feedback or responses and interactions to the content we publish. Likewise in addressing the advertising wilderness. Good advertising content usually has high engagement (a lot of interaction by the audience with advertising content such as giving likes, shares, comments, bookmarks, and others).

So, Erzedka Friends needs to be careful if it turns out that the published advertising content only invites little engagement. Because quiet engagement can occur because your audience is experiencing Ads Fatigue.

How do you solve ad fatigue?

Getting to Know Ads Fatigue: Overcome Bored Audiences with Your Ads

If your business is currently experiencing Ads Fatigue, fast, precise and effective steps are needed to overcome it. If not addressed immediately, it will have a negative impact on the sustainability of your business in the future.

1. Applying Marketing Psychology Concepts To Advertising

If you want to attract the attention of your audience, then you better know and understand your audience. One way to study and understand the audience in order to maximize marketing strategy is through Marketing Psychology.

Marketing Psychology is a branch of psychology to understand consumer habits when they decide to buy a product. By applying the concept of Marketing Psychology, it will be easier for companies to find out the behavior of their consumers and adapt it to their advertising strategy.

For example, a company engaged in the fashion sector applies a Marketing Psychology strategy and knows if their consumers have a habit of using e-wallets as a payment method when making transactions. Now, by understanding this behavior, companies can create advertising materials that provide product promotions if they pay via e-wallet.

Some of the strategies included in Marketing Psychology are social proof (using testimonials and reviews to attract new consumers), decoy effect (providing three price options in advertising), charm price (using the number 9 on the back of the product price), and others.

2. Change the Dominance of Colors in Ads Periodically

It is undeniable that humans are visual creatures. Therefore, so that your audience doesn't get bored and bored quickly, make several variations of the background color of the ad to be applied regularly alternately. Color updates in advertisements can give an authentic impression, not monotonous, fresh and not mainstream. You can also adjust the background color of the ad according to your target audience.

For example, if your target audience is young women, then you can use calm, earthy, and unique pastel colors such as Lilac, Sage Green, Pink Nude, and others. Colors that are liked by the target audience can encourage them to view ads longer and even make purchases.

3. Monitor Ads Campaign Regularly

Currently, there are many analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google Ads Manager, Hotjar, and others. So, the presence of these tools can be utilized by Erzedka Friends to monitor ad campaigns.

The ad campaign monitoring process can be carried out by paying attention to several important metrics (such as engagement rate, impressions, and CTR) from time to time. So that when there is an anomaly or a significant change in advertising metrics, we can immediately address it before Ads Fatigue occurs.

In addition, through ad campaign monitoring, you can also find out the right marketing strategy to run in the future, reflecting on the performance and achievements of the previous period. For example, after monitoring the advertising strategy that has been implemented in the past month and evaluating it, the next strategy that can be implemented is retargeting.

Talking about Retargeting, it turns out that there are still many ordinary people who misunderstand between Retargeting and Remarketing. The basic difference between Retargeting vs Remarketing is that Retargeting uses paid Ads while Remarketing uses email or newsletters as a medium to maximize advertising.

4. Apply Interesting Copywriting

Copywriting has a very large contribution in terms of reader persuasion. The use of subtle, unimpressive words is more capable of hypnotizing them. In addition, using copywriting that is right on target at the target audience and adding words that contain a little clickbait will make potential customers curious about the product and want to try it.

5. Running an A/B Testing Strategy on Ads

So that the audience doesn't feel bored and bored with the same advertisements, you need to study the behavior of users and what forms of Ads they prefer.

So, to find out what types of Ads our audience likes the most, we can run a strategy called A/B Testing. A/B Testing is a strategy to compare two options in terms of ad appearance and functionality before it is officially uploaded to the audience.

From several variations and ad options tested through A/B testing, it can be seen which types of ads are able to increase the number of visitors, increase Leads, and reduce Churn Rate numbers.


When running a business, advertising is considered the most powerful and effective method for increasing sales conversions. But to run an optimal advertising strategy, you still have to be creative in arranging material, colors, copywriting, and ad targets on a regular basis.

Because the same advertising material and copywriting can make the audience bored and bored, thus creating Ads Fatigue. Ads Fatigue is a condition in which your audience or target customers see ads too often so they get bored and lose interest.

The real impact that might be felt by a brand when the Ads Fatigue phenomenon increases is the number of CTR (Click Through Rate), Leads, Retention Rate, sales conversions, and decreased impressions.

Now, when the Ads Fatigue phenomenon occurs, the marketing team must immediately deal with it by updating material, copywriting, and ad designs to suit the preferences and interests of the audience or readers.

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