How Does Dofollow and Nofollow Links Impact SEO?

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Many beginner bloggers hope that when starting a new blog, they want to quickly get a good ranking position on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). The process of getting good rankings for a blog or website cannot be achieved overnight. There are many SEO efforts that need to be carried out on an ongoing basis, both through on-page SEO and off-page SEO. When you consistently perform, better ranking positions can be achieved.

One of the on-page SEO that contributes to a good ranking position in SERP is links. There are several link terms based on source and direction, namely internal links, external links and backlinks. 

SEO via links also requires good implementation, not just creating or obtaining it because it has both good and bad impacts. One of the important elements of links for SEO is the rel attribute value, namely DoFollow and NoFollow.

By default, all links or hyperlinks are DoFollow. When you create a link without including the rel attribute, the link is DoFollow. So to create a DoFollow link, you simply create a link without including the rel="dofollow" attribute. When you create a NoFollow link, you create a link that includes the rel="nofollow" attribute.

Example of a DoFollow link:

<a href="">Erzedka Website</a>

Example of a NoFollow link:

<a href="" rel="nofollow">Erzedka Website</a>

Dofollow and Nofollow Links Impact for SEO?

Dofollow and Nofollow Links Impact for SEO?

Does the NoFollow or DoFollow value of the rel attribute have any influence on SEO? Of course and this is related to the SEO value which is called link equity or link juice. There is value that is forwarded or transferred from a web page where the link is located to the web page or website to which the link leads. This SEO value can influence a website's ranking in search engine search results (SERP).

1. DoFollow link

DoFollow is one of the rail attribute values that allows search engine robots to follow links and reach the web page the link leads to. DoFollow links are not only followed by people when they click on the link, but search engine robots will also follow. 

In DoFollow links, there is a transfer of SEO value or SEO value (link equity or link juice) is passed from one web page to another web page or website. There are two advantages to DoFollow links. The blog will get traffic when someone clicks on the link and there is also a transfer of SEO value. 

For example, if your blog gets a backlink from a website that has a lot of traffic and high authority, it is very possible that your blog will also get a lot of traffic and your ranking on the SERP will also increase.

2. NoFollow Links

In contrast to DoFollow, NoFollow is the value of the rel attribute that instructs search engine robots not to follow the link. In NoFollow links, there is no transfer of value (link equity or link juice). NoFollow links are only used by people to open the web page the link leads to.

If your website gets a NoFollow backlink from another website, your website doesn't get link juice. However, NoFollow backlinks are still useful by bringing in traffic if they come from websites that have large traffic. 

Likewise, if you create an external link to a website with poor authority or a website that is not trusted, using the NoFollow value will not damage your blog.

So when is the NoFollow value used? In certain situations, the NoFollow value can be used, for example you create an internal link that leads to your profile page, you create an external link that leads to a website that has low authority, you create an external link but don't want to transfer SEO value (link juice) or you create external links that lead to irrelevant web pages.

3. Balance using DoFollow and NoFollow

Balance here does not mean that the number of DoFollow and NoFollow links must be the same. However, the emphasis is more on using both DoFollow and NoFollow values. 

Use the DoFollow and NoFollow values for the rel attribute appropriately. Proper use of NoFollow links also has a good influence on DoFollow links. SEOquake, NoFollow Simple are several web browser extensions that can be used to check whether the link type is DoFollow or NoFollow.

What is the difference between nofollow and dofollow links?

1. Backlinks that will appear on the website

Search engines will check and monitor articles on the internet. This affects the website's inclusion in the search index, so that available backlinks will enter the search index as well. 

Google and other search engines also see the relationship between the backlinks used with the aim of increasing the user experience of website visitors. In contrast, the nofollow method prevents search engines from being available when clients come to the site.

2. Difference in Total Backlinks on Websites

Dofollow links function to introduce valuable and relevant websites or blogs to visitors. An increase in the ranking of websites linked to the website in question will be achieved if the links linked are relevant and of good value. 

This needs to be balanced by linking nofollow links which function to minimize spam so that user experience increases because these backlinks function to fulfill the needs of market prey so that they do not see other information.

3. Quality of Webpages Linked to Backlinks

These two backlinks are useful for providing security on a website. However, not all links on website pages are relevant and interesting according to the content of the website. In order to optimize websites, using dofollow is useful for analyzing quality and safe pages when interpreted by search engines.

This method can increase the trust and loyalty of visitors to your website by paying attention to information content using AIDA rules. 

Website pages whose information is less accurate and relevant to the topic will be dangerous if there are internal internet viruses if there are clicks on articles with intrusive advertisements that are not suitable for example. Visitors will be kept safe because search engines will detect spam and threats on the website


Backlinks are a support for SEO. When optimizing a website, supporting knowledge is needed, for example, digital marketing, copywriting, improving SEO and good content management. SEO helps website performance so that it can appear in the main SERP rankings. 

SEO optimization is a must because just having a website is still not sufficient in the 4.0 era, the need to increase online presence is something that not many people know about.

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