7 Best Tips to Enrich Your Keyword List for SEO

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Friends, do you want to increase the number of ranking keywords on search engines (for example: Google) and increase your website's visibility there? One effort that can be made is to enrich the list of keywords on your content or website.

So, in this article, we will help you learn how to optimize keyword lists for SEO (Search Engine Optimization), please read to the end.

What are keywords and why are they important in SEO?

A keyword is one or several words or phrases that users type when they want to search for something in the search engine search field. To find the right keywords, you need help from a tool for conducting keyword research.

Is this keyword important for SEO? Yes, the answer is very important. Choosing the right keywords can increase your website traffic and help you target users better.

For example, if you are targeting users who are looking for information about tools to check blood sugar, then choosing the keyword "signs of rising blood sugar" is not the best choice. However, for example, "9 Myths About SEO You Need to Know" is a wiser choice.

Tips for Enriching Your Keyword List

Choosing the right keywords and having them in large quantities can improve the performance of your website, namely traffic, users, leads and buyers.

Here are a number of tips that friends can do to enrich the list of keywords for your website:

1. Mapping Your Keywords with Buying Journey

Not all users start their journey exactly on the product page they want. Your keywords should target everyone who is interested in your content.

So, make sure to do keyword mapping with the buying journey to the appropriate web page.

a. Awareness Stages

At this stage, users will look for solutions to the problems they face. For this type of search, users usually use fairly general phrases such as "how to live a healthy life" or "when is the right time to exercise".

When mapping keywords at this awareness stage, friends must create a web page that provides solutions to what users are facing and is related to the product or service you offer.

If your product or service is about pregnancy, then create content related to the product such as "the benefits of exercise for pregnant women", "the importance of folic acid during pregnancy", and so on.

b. Consideration Stages

At this stage, your website users are looking for a specific solution and are considering several things before making a purchase. This means that at this consideration stage you have to build trust and convince your users that the solution you are offering is the right option.

Examples of content are "5 medical tools you need to have", "Medicines that must be available in the first aid kit", in this article you can embed your products.

c. Decision Stage

At this stage, your users are ready to make purchase transactions. So at this decision stage, you need to use keywords such as "sell", "buy", "services", and the like.

2. Use the Keyword Optimization Checklist

This checklist is necessary, because having a structured workflow can make your work much easier to do. The following is an example of a checklist that you can use and apply:

  • Prioritize which ones are more important and categorize your keywords by grouping web pages into sections based on topics and conversion rates.
  • Customize your web pages with targeted key phrases, search volume, and difficulty score.
  • Create a list of long-tail keyword variations based on the main keyword.
  • Consider using branded keywords.
  • Activate Site Search in Google Analytics to find search terms that users are interested in.
  • Collect keywords with geographic modification.
  • Carry out a comprehensive analysis to find other keywords.
  • Adapt newly acquired keywords to existing content or create new web pages.

3. Pay attention to Mobile Keywords

People don't use the same phrases when searching on each device. As a result, popular keywords can vary depending on the device the user uses.

On mobile devices, users may use shorter phrases because it is influenced by typing comfort and voice search, for example: "Tebet coffee shop" vs "where is the nearest coffee shop".

So make sure you use both versions of the keyword when optimizing for smartphone, tablet and desktop users.

To be more optimal, you also need to optimize your Google Business Profile account to reach users who are looking for information based on location.

4. Do a Keyword Audit

Friends, you should also carry out regular keyword audits of old content that is still ranking well using SEO tools to maintain and improve the performance of the web page.

A keyword audit is a recommended way to find “neglected” keywords and optimize them to get more traffic. SEO tools for auditing keywords that you can use are Google Search Console, Ahrefs, and Semrush.

5. Pay attention to keyword trends

A trend that is happening can bring in high traffic if we know how to take advantage of it. Moreover, if you create the content first, the level of competition will be much lighter compared to keywords in general or evergreen keywords.

You can find these keywords by monitoring what is happening in your industry, then doing research using Google Trends.

The increase in performance resulting from this keyword trend is temporary and not long term, but it is still able to provide benefits to your website such as increasing traffic, increasing the number of leads and buyers.

6. Consider Long-Tail Keywords

Voice search is becoming more popular from year to year, for example Siri, Alexa, and Cortana. Not a small number of users prefer to use voice search rather than typing directly in the search bar. This indirectly affects the phrases or queries that users search for on search engines.

Ahrefs itself conducted a study and the results were that of the 1.9 billion keywords obtained, 29.13% were keywords that contained more than 3 words. Therefore, one way that friends can capture the voice search carried out by this user is to apply long-tail keywords.

Why is that?

Because users are more likely to ask long questions such as "What are the common symptoms of cancer?", whereas if they type in the search bar, they will just type "cancer symptoms".

7. Tracking Search Activity within Your Website

Have you ever tried to track what users are looking for in your website's internal search? If not, then try it. Because this allows you to understand how users use your website and get keyword ideas that you had never thought of before.


Keyword research is one of the SEO activities with high returns. Even if you already have a comfortable workflow and your keyword collection is always new, conducting keyword research experiments is recommended because it can provide unexpected positive benefits.

That's the article regarding tips for optimizing your keyword list. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments column below

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