Top 8 Key Benefits Of SEO for Your Business

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What are the benefits of SEO for business? Maybe for those who are new to the world of online business, they still don't know what the benefits of SEO are. But before answering this question, let us first explain what SEO is.

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, in short SEO is the process of optimizing a page or website so that it can be at the top of search engine results, one of which is Google. Therefore, because our page or website is in the top ranking on search engines, it will usually have the most number of visitors compared to other websites.

So, have you understood so far? Then you also need to know, what are the benefits of SEO for business? Come on, let's look at the following discussion.

What is a Good Understanding of SEO?

Top 8 Key Benefits Of SEO for Your Business

Before discussing how it works and its various benefits, we first need to review the definition of SEO. According to Neil Patel's page, SEO or search engine optimization, is an optimization practice to increase the visibility and position of a website in search engines.

Why do companies need to improve their site's position or ranking in search engines? Because, with that, customers and prospects can find the site more easily. Awareness and engagement from various company marketing campaigns will also increase and directly impact the business' sales mission.

SEO itself is a strategy that focuses on increasing rankings in organic search results, aka unpaid. If a company has a website and wants to bring in more relevant traffic, there is no doubt that SEO should be part of their marketing efforts.

Simply, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is a marketing strategy used to place a website on the first page and also at the top of Google search results. So you can be sure that SEO can determine whether your website or web page meets the standards of the Google search engine and is worthy of appearing on the first page or vice versa.

If the SEO you use doesn't violate Google's terms, your site will easily appear on the first page, even at the top. You have to remember that this SEO job is not done once but you have to do it continuously to grow your online business. SEO itself also takes less time after optimization to be able to feel or see results.

What are 4 types of SEO?

As explained, SEO is one of the most effective strategies for increasing the amount of relevant traffic on a site. The proof is that until now it has become the marketing method most often used by companies for their marketing needs.

However, this strategy can be divided into four different categories. Marketers can utilize this practice to reach new customers and prospects from various channels owned by the company.

So, here are the four types of search engine optimizers that marketers must learn about. Don't forget to note it down, okay?

1. On-page SEO

The first type of SEO that is often used by marketers in the field of content marketing is on-page SEO.

According to Sixth City Marketing, this SEO category refers to the process of optimizing the content on a company website. This initiative can include optimizing copy, keywords, headers, meta descriptions and titles, featured images, and so on.

Usually, in the process of executing on-page SEO methods, marketers need to carry out keyword research, optimize metadata, and carry out internal linking.

2. Off-page SEO

The next type of SEO method that is often used by well-known companies is off-page SEO. Off-page SEO strategy actually refers to the process of optimizing elements that are not usually found on a website.

This method encourages marketers to create exposure and credibility for their company, which can ultimately result in more visitors and sales. Most off-page SEO initiatives are focused on the process of link building or the practice of getting other reputable websites to link back to your site.

3. Technical SEO

Technical SEO is another type of SEO strategy that can be used by professional marketers. So, what is meant by technical SEO? According to Moz, this strategy refers to actions that can help search engines crawl websites and improve user experience (UX).

Basically, the way search engines work and algorithms will always change to become more complex. Therefore, the work process of this type of SEO will usually continue to develop. For example, the latest initiative in technical SEO methods is to ensure that there are no problems with the site's crawlability and UX.

Not only that, companies can also improve website speed, mobile friendliness, and site structure when implementing technical SEO strategies.

4. Local SEO

The last type of SEO that can be utilized by companies and marketers is local SEO. This SEO category is a variation that focuses more on business location.

In a sense, it refers to the process of increasing a site's online presence in a regional business community and promoting products or services to local customers. Here, marketers can enter addresses, opening hours, descriptions, reviews and product photos to increase customer trust.

Search engine results pages will also look at proximity, relevance, and prominence based on the user's search query, and select enterprise businesses if they meet the requirements. In essence, this type of SEO focuses more on optimizing geographic elements than other categories.

How does SEO Work in simple terms?

How does SEO Work in simple terms

After a user types a keyword in a search engine like Google, results will appear in the form of a list of websites and pages that match the search. These results are influenced by several things in the search engine algorithm.

Well, SEO is a strategy that will make a company's website appear and even occupy the top rankings on search engines. In order for this to happen, marketers can also follow the workings of each type of SEO that Glints has explained above.

So, what is the work process like for each of the available SEO categories? Here are brief Glints for you based on Search Engine Land exposure.

  • On-page SEO: Marketers focus on optimizing website content that can be changed and maximized, including structure, copy, keyword volume, and article topics.
  • Off-page SEO: Marketers improve the quality of SEO found outside the site. For example, the number and quality of links that contain links to the company website.
  • Technical SEO: Companies and developers improve the technical quality of company sites, such as loading speed, structure and website UX.
  • Local SEO: Marketers focus on improving the quality of SEO to make it friendlier to communities and business locations, such as providing product photos, addresses and customer reviews.

What Are the Benefits of SEO for Business?

SEO of course is no longer an option for a website, but mandatory for a website. Because SEO is very important for a website. Then what are the benefits of SEO for business? Here are some of the benefits of SEO for business:

1. Increase Organic Traffic

When looking for information, you may want to find it through a search engine by entering certain keywords. Besides being easier, the information you receive is also faster. This is what makes the majority of website traffic come from organic traffic. Meanwhile, SEO plays a role in optimizing keywords on the website so that it can increase organic traffic.

In addition, people who come to find information on the internet will generally use Google as a medium. Of course, to do this, you need to make your website compatible with Google so that traffic can come easily. One of the benefits of SEO is that it can help your website become more Google-friendly and increase organic traffic.

2. Building Trust and Credibility

Imagine you are looking for information about a company through Google, but you cannot find any information related to that company. Sounds a bit fishy, doesn't it?

When a company shows up on Google or another search engine, it's easier to believe. Another benefit of SEO that you should know is that SEO will increase the visibility of your website in search engines. 

Thus, it will build trust and credibility for your business. You can also create content around topics related to your business to create a professional-like image.

3. Increase Brand Awareness

Websites that often appear on search engines will have a unique memory in the minds of customers. In fact, when your brand isn't listed in Google search results, they might start looking for it. This is called brand awareness.

Of course, another SEO benefit that you can feel is that SEO can increase awareness of the business you are running. However, brand awareness is not built overnight. For this reason, SEO cannot be considered as an instant process. You have to build on it over the long term to really feel the benefits.

4. Market Development

Have you ever thought about expanding your target market? With SEO, you can do just that. For example, if you run a local business that wants to reach international markets. You can then create an English version of your website or destination country. By implementing SEO, of course, so that your website can be found in your home country.

That way, market expansion becomes more efficient and saves budget. This is one of the benefits of SEO that brings many benefits to your business.

5. Reach Local Market

Of course, besides being able to help reach international markets, another benefit of SEO is being able to maximize the effectiveness of your business locally. The local SEO approach is suitable for local location based businesses such as home businesses, franchise stores and more. 

You can start optimizing locally by focusing on a local target market. Including creating content related to local issues in the area where your business is located. To make it even better, you can also collect testimonials through Google Reviews to increase the credibility of your local business.

6. Improve the Quality of User Experience

Good User Experience is one of the factors for business success. One way to improve user experience is to create useful content for them. The more useful and relevant the content you create for search intent, the more important Google considers your site and worthy of inclusion in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

In this way, of course, it will also increase organic traffic to your site. It can be concluded that another benefit of SEO is that it can make the website more SEO friendly, which will also improve the quality of the User Experience.

7. Collecting Consumer Behavior Data

The next benefit of SEO that you can feel is that SEO can provide various data that can describe consumer behavior. You can get this data from Google Analytics, Google Search Console, or other SEO tools that you use.

With SEO tools, for example, you can see the behavior of site visitors who view some product pages but don't buy. Visitors may not be interested in product images, descriptions, or prices, so you can fix them.

8. Long term investment

SEO is a long-term investment that if done consistently will provide positive results for your business. To do this, turn SEO into a long-term investment.

The implementation of SEO also cannot be done instantly. Indeed, SEO “rules of the game” are always subject to change. Therefore, you must always monitor and follow developments so that the SEO benefits you receive are maximized.

Should I use a SEO Company?

Among the many SEO benefits explained, the important step you need to take is to do it as soon as possible. As explained above, SEO is a long-term investment that will have a positive impact on business.

But before you start entering the world of SEO, of course you have to know what SEO is and how it is implemented. Then you can start implementing SEO for your business.

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