Spam Score: What They Are & How to Check Spam Score

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How to check a website domain's spam score needs to be known by people who are involved in the digital world, one of which is websites. By checking the spam score on your website domain, you can monitor the health of your website. If a website is suddenly blocked by Google, it is possible that this is because the spam score is too high.

The causes of spam scores themselves are quite varied, starting from mistakes when installing backlinks, creating content that violates regulations, using irrelevant anchor text, and so on. Because the causes are varied, it is important to understand how to check the spam score on a website domain.

To make it clearer, below Erzedka has summarized complete information about spam scores that you need to know, starting from the causes, how to check spam scores, to how to reduce them. Check out the information below, OK?

What is Spam Score?

What is Spam Score?
Spam Score

Spam score is the percentage of websites that have the same features as the page that have been penalized by Google. This spam score algorithm was developed by Moz and was first introduced in 2015. The spam score classification itself is divided into several sections or scales, here is the information:

  • The 1-30% scale is considered low or good value.
  • A scale of 31-60% is considered moderate.
  • A scale of 61-100% is considered high or dangerous.

Looking at the scale above, it can be seen that a high spam score indicates that the website does not have the quality and relevance of the site. That's why, Moz recommends that website owners conduct further investigations into the quality and relevance of the site.

If high score spam is left unattended, this will have an impact on the health of the website. The most serious risk is that your website will disappear because it doesn't appear on the SERP.

What Causes a High Spam Score?

The causes of high spam scores can be seen from various factors, starting from backlinks, content, anchor text, templates on websites, to keywords. In more detail, below is an explanation of the causes of high spam scores.

1. Backlinks

Backlinks are a strategy that is still used by website owners to increase website rankings in search engines (SERP). On websites, the use of backlinks has quite an influence on SEO performance. These backlinks themselves are divided into two types, starting from quality backlinks and toxic backlinks.

In practice, most website authors often make mistakes when installing backlinks. This type of toxic backlink is most widely used for the optimization process, but without realizing it, this can cause the website's spam score to increase.

2. Anchor text

Anchor text is a piece of text containing a clickable link, its shape is quite different from regular text. When used correctly, anchor text can increase a website's ranking on the first page of Google. However, using anchor text that is not relevant to the content can also cause a high website spam score.

For example, when you are discussing domains, you can provide links related to the domain. Later, the link will be directed to the word domain as anchor text. Simply put, the anchor text function can tell readers that the domain text should contain links that discuss things about the domain.

3. Content

The content on the website also needs to be considered. Therefore, try to create quality content. Avoid creating content that violates regulations, such as pornography, buying and selling illegal weapons, gambling, and the like so as not to be punished by Google

Apart from the regulations mentioned above, the content on the website must also avoid plagiarism or taking other people's work.

4. Website templates

Website templates also affect spam scores, especially when using the nulled version. For your information, the nulled theme is a pirated version of the paid version. Therefore, it is recommended to use paid features in a theme. If you use a free theme, this is a very big risk because it is prone to containing malware.

5. Keywords

The use of keywords has an important role because it can help search engines provide references to the content they have. Unfortunately, content writers on websites are still not precise in using keywords. The use of keywords that is not recommended is too many keywords in one article or keyword stuffing or spamming. Therefore, only use keywords as necessary.

How do I check a website's spam score?

As previously mentioned, spam score has an important role in knowing the health of a website. That is why, it is recommended to regularly check domain spam scores. You can also check the spam score of the domain itself easily. So, how do you check a domain's spam score? Here's the information.

  • Use an active email and fill in the required data
  • Then, go to the Link Research > Spam Score section or click the link
  • On the main page, a URL column appears and enter the URL of the website whose spam score you want to check, then click Analyze.
How do I check a website's spam score?
  • After waiting a few seconds, the domain spam score will appear

Apart from the spam score, this data also displays several other results, such as the number of linking domains, Domain Authority (DA), presentation of linking domains according to spam value zones, and a list of inbound links along with spam and DA values.

How do I reduce spam score on my website?

When checking the spam score on a domain and the results given are unsatisfactory or show a high number, you must be able to find a way to lower the spam score of the domain. The aim is to minimize the occurrence of problems that will later attack the website. Here's how to reduce a domain's spam score that can be implemented.

1. Using SSL

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a certificate that functions to encrypt all data that will be sent by the user to the client or client to the user. The purpose of using SSL is so that third parties cannot read all the data sent because they do not have the encryption key. Not only that, SSL also influences the SEO strategy implemented, because Google pages prefer secure sites.

2. Reduce the use of Meta Tags

Meta Tags are writing that explains the content on a website page. This feature is indeed useful for improving website quality, but excessive use of meta tags can cause a domain's spam score to increase. Therefore, only use meta tags as necessary so that they are not considered spam by the Google search engine.

3. Avoid TLDs that smell like spam

TLD (Top Level Domain) is an important component in a website. There are several examples of TLDs that are popularly used, such as .com, .id, .net, and so on. Adapting the Spamhaus page, it is stated that there are ten TLDs that are often used, such as:


4. Pay attention to the dofollow and nofollow ratio

Using the dofollow and nofollow ratio should also be carefully considered. There are things that need to be considered to create a healthy website, namely the ratio of dofollow links is higher than nofollow. More specifically, dofollow is a type of link that will tell search engines to crawl the link. Meanwhile, nofollow is a type of link that does not allow the link to be crawled by Search Engines.

5. Remove broken links

The last way to lower a domain's spam score check is to remove broken links. Broken links are all broken links on your site. Actually, to check all broken links, you can use Ahrefs' broken link checker tool, namely


That's how to check a domain's spam score which can be applied to improve the health of your website. As previously mentioned, checking the domain's spam score aims to anticipate problems on the website.

If your spam score is getting higher, this condition indicates that the quality of the website is starting to decline. On the other hand, if the spam score shows a small number, this condition shows that the website you own is healthy and worth maintaining.

To prevent the number of spam scores from increasing, you can overcome this by buying a domain and hosting that is guaranteed to be secure, fast and reliable. That way, problems that later arise on the website can be reduced over time.

Hopefully the article that has summarized is useful for you and adds to your insight! Dont forget to comment below..!! Good luck.

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