Here's How to Use NetCut on a Windows PC / Laptop (Suitable For Beginners)

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Here's How to Use NetCut on a Windows PC / Laptop (Suitable For Beginners)

NetCut. Some of you may have heard of this application. But some of you may still ask Tanya. What is NetCut? NetCut is an application that allows users who are in the Hotspot area and joined in a Wireless network to turn off the wireless network of other computers in the area.

With this application, users usually use it in order to get better network bandwidth. Users usually use this application while in public wireless areas such as malls, cafes, and so on.

  • Before you use this application, it's a good idea to pay attention to a few things: Turn off your antivirus. This is because some antiviruses have detected NetCut as a virus, whereas we all know that this application is not a virus. This may have something to do with the function of NetCut itself which allows us to disconnect other computer networks so that it is often considered detrimental to others. 
  • In addition, it is better if you also turn off other applications. This is to minimize the possibility of hang or lag and hamper your performance when accessing NetCut.
  • Finally, make sure you are wise in using this application. As you know, the application is very vulnerable to abuse and will harm others if not used carefully and wisely. Therefore, let us together respect other people as we want to be respected by others.

How to Use Netcut for Beginners

How to Use Netcut for Beginners

Alright, next we will give you a tutorial on how to use NetCut for beginners.

  • First of all, make sure you have downloaded or downloaded the NetCut application on the official website (or Download it Here). If in the previous version this application was in the form of a desktop application, in the latest version, NetCut has become a web-based application.
  • Please open the Netcut application, then you will be directed to the main page on your computer's default browser. On the main page, you will be shown various IP addresses for several computers or devices or devices connected to the wireless network in the area.
  • In the column on the right, you will see one main device that becomes an Access Point. Make sure you don't disable the device because if you disable it, the entire internet network in that place will die, including yours because you turned off the network source. 
  • Then under it there is one more device. The device is the device you use to access this application or in other words the computer you are using.
  • You just need to see the device or tools in the left column. These devices are devices used by people around you.
  • To use it, all you have to do is swipe to the left the blue scroll symbol as shown in the image below, then the computer or device will be disconnected from the wireless network and will no longer be able to access the internet. You can do the same on the device below.
  • To restore their computers or devices, please click Resume All, then all these devices will be able to reconnect to the wireless network and be able to access the internet again.

Those are some ways to use NetCut for beginners. Now that you know how NetCut works, we recommend that you also use other applications that can ward off NetCut attacks, so that your computer will not be 'bugged' by other NetCuts who want to disable you from the wireless network. Good luck with the tutorial on how to use NetCut above and good luck.

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