Branding Guide: Why Do All Businesses Need One?

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Have a business but haven't started branding yet? To be able to understand the concept of branding itself, you also have to be able to distinguish between brand vs branding. A business without a brand may not run optimally. That's why you really need the right branding.

Knowing the various types of branding and the right branding strategy is very important. If you are interested in doing branding but don't know where to start, you can first set business goals and understand what consumer behavior is and how it impacts your business.

In this article, we will explore what branding is and why all businesses need it regardless of the type and size of business being run.

What is Branding?

Brand Guidelines: Why Do All Businesses Need One?

Usually every business has its own brand, but not all know how to brand the right and on target. Therefore, you also have to understand what are the differences between brand vs branding so you don't take the wrong step.

Branding can be said as a marketing practice, in which a business or company creates a name, symbol or design that can be easily identified as belonging to the company. Because you can't do these needs haphazardly, you can read tips on making a logo.

The company logo must not only be unique but also powerful and also represent the company or business. As a result, people, especially target customers, can easily recognize a business whenever and wherever they see the logo. In fact, Logo creation can involve online logo design.

Branding that is done well and has clear branding goals will make a brand easily recognized by consumers. Thus, the large number of competitors will have no effect if a business has a very strong brand. For those of you who want to learn personal branding, you can see how it's done here!

What is difference between brand and branding?

Then what is the difference between brand vs branding? The term brand was first used by the British in the nineteenth century as a form of marking livestock and slaves. The trick is to stamp hot iron on their bodies.

We can interpret a brand as a self-identity that differentiates between products, places, and people. Meanwhile, branding is a communication activity that aims to strengthen and maintain a brand in order to provide perspective to those who see it.

What are brand elements?

Understanding branding is indeed quite complex and a challenge for business people. However, you have to do it because your business has to look different and unique among your competitors.

Here are some elements of branding that you should know before starting a branding strategy through various media including video marketing.

1. Brand Name or Brand

The brand name or brand is the most important branding element. The brand will become the identity of a product so that the general public can recognize it easily.

2. Logos

The logo for each brand is different and cannot be the same. That way, the logo must be made as unique as possible so that it is different from similar products that are also offered on the market. The public or consumers will find it easier to remember a unique logo.

3. Brand Ambassadors

Another branding element is a brand ambassador, namely someone who will introduce a brand. Brand ambassadors can be co-founders, mascots, or public figures who will work together in marketing products.

If your business focuses on digital marketing, try using digital marketing services so that the results are maximized.

5. Visual Display

You can apply a visual appearance to product design, packaging, and so on. To add image to a product, there's nothing wrong with using bright and elegant colors.

6. Voice

Sounds for branding needs can be in the form of certain songs, tones, or sounds. The goal is to make the brand more attractive and remembered by the public.

7. Words

In addition to sound, branding also requires words such as taglines, jingles, acronyms or slogans. Usually an interesting slogan or tagline can leave a deep impression. While preparing the right words for branding, you can also start learning what content marketing is that will help the business branding process that you are running.

Why is branding important for businesses?

Why is branding important for businesses?

It doesn't matter if you still ask what are the benefits of branding and why does a business need it, especially if you are a beginner in the business world. In general, there are many benefits of branding which are also the reasons businesses start doing branding, as follows:

1. Making People Aware of Brand Presence

Brand awareness or brand awareness is one of the reasons why businesses have to do branding. This is of course one of the important reasons for the need for branding. The public, especially consumers who are targeted marketing, must know what brand you offer. To get a positive first impression when starting branding, make sure a brand has a logo that is the hallmark or identity of the company.

Businesses that focus on digital marketing or marketing must also recognize the various types of digital marketing. Then, they can choose the type of digital marketing that best suits their target market and sales targets they want to achieve.

2. Increasing Product and Business Value

Strong branding can increase business value into a very valuable asset. Companies or businesses can use these aspects as a tool to continue to exist in the eyes of consumers. Not only that, branding also helps increase business value because it has an important influence on the industry it operates in. It will also help companies or businesses find investors more easily. This is very possible if your brand already has a good place in the marketplace.

For its realization, you can use various methods, one of which is using Facebook Ads. Facebook Ads will help advertise your brand on Facebook, which is a social media that has many active users every day. Don't forget to also find out the cost of Facebook Ads to suit your budget!

3. Branding Becomes Promotional Attributes

When it comes time to promote the product or service you offer, branding becomes an effective attribute. Why is that? Branding will represent the impression that the company wants to display.

Consumers who are attracted by the impression will like it. In the end, they will be curious and interested in buying the product you are promoting.

Google is one of the most widely used search engines, especially in Indonesia. This is an opportunity for promotion. Use a trusted Google Ads advertising service that is able to manage your business advertising and promotion needs properly and professionally.

4. Attract New Customers

The challenge in doing business both online and offline is to attract new customers. It is from customers that a business or company will earn income through selling products or services. Strong branding is able to create a positive impression in the eyes of customers. This is what attracts people to use products or services because they believe in the brand.

To be able to attract new customers and keep customers loyal to your brand, the marketing funnel is no less important for you to learn from now on.

5. Making Products Different from Competitors

Competition is something that we cannot avoid, especially in the business world. There will always be new competitors from time to time. You have to try to keep consumers loyal in choosing the products you offer.

Products that are unique and different from competitors will be able to attract the attention of loyal customers and new customers. They will be more interested in buying your product than competitors' products.

6. Creating Trust in the Market

The trust of customers is very valuable but not easy to get. To build trust, you can do this through well-designed branding. Companies that look professional can attract more consumers, clients or customers. With the right brand, a company or business will appear as an expert in the industry.

What are Branding Strategy?

If you already have a brand and branding concept, then it's time to choose a branding strategy. The selection of these strategies will affect the implementation of branding. There are many branding strategies along with examples in conventional and online information media. 

Marketers use it to enhance product branding. Unsuccess is the main obstacle in implementing branding. In order to get the right strategy, try to consider some of the marketing strategies below:

1. Create Logos 

Logos are very important, especially for new companies or online stores that are just starting out. Through visual images, someone will remember a store or company just by looking at a logo.

2. Make use of Popular Marketplaces

Many start-up businesses use the leading marketplace as a branding strategy. This can support visitors and product recognition in cyberspace. You can choose one of several marketplace platforms such as Tokopedia, Shopee, and others.

3. Using a Website as a Media Branding

You can also use a website as a media branding. This one branding strategy will also be very helpful because more and more people will know about your brand or business. Internet users can find your website through a search engine, namely Google.

In order to be on the leading search engine, you can do website optimization, known as SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Apart from that, there is also Google Ads, but this method requires a budget because you have to determine the cost per click of the ad that appears on Google.

Also find out how to use Google Trends which will help your efforts to get your website in Google search results. Through these tools, you can do keyword research or keywords that are widely used. Apart from that, you can also find out only topics that are widely discussed that can inspire articles or blogs for your website.

4. Marketing Through Social Media

In this day and age, branding strategies using social media are needed. Social media users are always increasing every day. Companies that want to grow their business can use various social media platforms for personal branding.

Already know how to choose a Social Media Marketing Strategy? If not, then you can read this article! It would be better to focus on one social media platform be it Instagram, Facebook, Titkok or others.


After knowing what branding is and what is the difference between brand vs branding, you will understand better why branding is so important for every type and size of business.

Of the several available branding strategies, you can choose one or combine them all. The most important thing is to ensure that the branding you want to do creates the branding elements that should be there.

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