Anchor Text: What is it & How To Optimize it?

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The digital era and the pandemic have given rise to new habits in society. One of these new habits is the increasing intensity of using the internet. Not only presenting a variety of important and reliable information, websites on the internet can now be used as a forum for buying and selling, socializing, and more.

The increasing existence of websites raises fierce competition among website owners to be able to reach as many users as possible. Websites with a significant number of Daily Active Users (DAU) are able to bring in various advertisements, increase brand awareness, and increase sales targets.

The strategy to reach a large number of users on the website is SEO optimization (Search Engine Optimization). However, there are still many people who don't understand Anchor Text as an important part of SEO. Anchor Text plays an important role in website optimization. Therefore, it is better if from now on we start to consider using Anchor Text on the website to increase Daily Active Users.

What is AnchorText?

What is AnchorText?

SEO has several parts that are quite complicated and detailed. One such section is the Anchor Text. Simply put, anchor text is a word snippet containing a URL link (usually in the form of a backlink) that can be clicked and directs visitors to another page. The form of anchor text is very different from regular text.

What are backlinks? In short, backlinks are URLs that are included in article content on the website. In line with the role of anchor text, the influence of backlinks on websites is also quite large. Backlinks that are not in accordance with the content of the content also have a stake in website ranking on Google.

Usually, anchor text will be blue and underlined. Apart from directing visitors to other website pages, anchor text backlinks can also contain links to download documents (such as PDFs) or direct visitors to download files via Google Drive.

On websites that are less trusted, anchor text can be used by them to direct visitors to spam or viruses. Therefore, it is important for you to ensure that the anchor text you click is trusted. The trick is to hover over the anchor text via the mouse (without clicking it first) in order to read the contents of the URL from the anchor text.

Here's a simple example:

Erzedka is a website that provides information about SEO, tutorials and a place to download printer drivers.

In the sentence above, the word "Erzedka" is an anchor text. By hovering over the anchor text, you can see the URL which appears in the left corner of the page.

Why is Anchor Text Important for SEO?

Why is Anchor Text Important for SEO

Prior to 2012, Google still relied on a website ranking algorithm based on anchor text. So, the more people who visit a page from the anchor text, the better and more relevant the content presented on that page. In other words, anchor text is an important factor in determining website ranking on Google's SERP.

The algorithm is prone to cheating. Website owners can add as much anchor text as possible to the content so that it occupies the top position of search results. So that on April 24, 2012, Google launched a new algorithm called Google Penguin.

Google Penguin is Google's algorithm for eliminating sites that violate the code of conduct made by Google. The countable violation also includes manipulating content with the use of anchor text.

With the presence of Google's latest algorithm, relevant content can be further utilized and maximized so that it can appear in the top position of the SERP.

The more people click on the anchor text attached to your site's content, the better your website's position in search engines will be. Because for Google, anchor text is able to describe the overall content of a content. If more and more are clicked, it indicates that the anchor text is relevant, descriptive, and useful.

Therefore, the choice of words used as anchor text titles is very important to influence users to want to click and move pages. Another main function of anchor text is as a benchmark for the relevance of content in search engines.

Types of Anchor Text

Types of Anchor Text

There are many types of anchor text. In this discussion, we will discuss some of the types that are most often used. Happy reading!

1. Branded

Anchor text that uses the trade name (brand) of a brand. This type of anchor text is one of the safest to use. A few tips and tricks for using this type of anchor text is to try not to include your own website brand as the anchor text.

For example, in content published by Exabytes, it is not recommended to make anchor text that directs to the Exabytes homepage without specific context. Anchor text that refers to sites with the same domain is usually called internal link anchor text.

Example of branded anchor text:

<a href=>Exabytes</a>

2. Naked Link

Naked Link has the characteristic that the name of the text is the same as the destination URL. Simply put, Naked Link is a URL that is used as an anchor.

Example of Naked Link Anchor Text:

<a href=””></a>

3. Generic

Generic type anchor text uses a hint or command as the text. Generic anchor text is usually in the form of a CTA (Call to Action) that is tailored to the needs and uses. The example most often used as Generic Anchor Text is "click here".

Generic Anchor Text Example:

<a href=””>click here</a>

4. Partial-match

This type of partial-match anchor text uses keywords that are related to the main keywords detected by Google's algorithm as part of the contents of the website content. The text on partial-match is usually the result of the development of the main keywords you want to include in search engines.

Example of Partial-Match Anchor Text:

<a href=””>5 Functions and How DNS Works</a>

5. Exact-match

In contrast to partial-match which uses text based on part of the related keywords only, while exact-match uses keywords that are exactly the URL listed.

For example, a URL that leads to the content "Getting to know DNS: 5 Functions and How It Works" will have the anchor text "Getting to Know DNS: 5 Functions and How It Works".

Example of Exact-Match Anchor Text:

<a href=””>Understanding DNS Functions</a>

6. Images

This type of anchor text uses the text from the ALT tag that you write on the images that are included in the site content.

Example of Image Anchor Text:

<a href= ””>

<img src=”/domain.png” alt=”website domain illustration”/>


If the alt tag on the image is not filled, then the anchor text will be empty. As the example presented below:

<a href=””>no text</a>

How do you Write an Anchor Text?

Even though basically how to make an anchor text is quite easy and simple, it still requires some tips and tricks to make the most of it. Because anchor text that is right on target will greatly impact a website's ranking on the Google search engine.

1. Use Anchor Text as Short and Interesting as Possible

The main function of anchor text is actually to provide information and describe the overall contents of the content to internet visitors and search engines. Therefore, anchor text needs to be used as needed and efficiently.

Don't think about using as much anchor text as possible in the content so that it appears in the top search positions. Because it actually makes your content readable by Google as spam.

Use keywords in the anchor text that truly describe the page or content being referred to. The number of keywords used must also be efficient. If two or three keywords are enough, then use it like that. Don't even exaggerate. In essence, use anchor text with relevant keywords, as short as possible, and as attractive as possible.

2. Pay Attention to the Appropriateness of Linked Content

The suitability of the content linked through the anchor text also affects Google's assessment of your website. If you just use anchor text as much as possible without paying attention to the suitability of the content links, then the website may be considered bad and not recommended for Google users.

The mismatch between anchor text and link content will also make your website have a high bounce rate (because visitors tend to immediately close content when they realize the information they want to read is not available).

3. Use Anchor Text Variations

Here are a few tips and tricks so you can still use various anchor texts without being considered "cheating" by Google. Do not use anchor text repeatedly. Make sure that the anchor text displayed in the content consists of various types (branded, image, partial-match, exact-match, generic, and naked links).

The following also presents recommendations on the composition of the use of anchor text. We recommend using branded anchor text as much as 40% (because this type of anchor text is the safest to use), naked link anchor text by 20%, while the rest is divided between partial-match, exact-match, generic, and image.

However, it should be noted that the use of anchor text composition can also be affected by domain authority (DA). Domain authority is a matrix that assesses the level of trust visitors have in a website in search engines. Sites with high DA are more likely to use exact-match anchor text.

4. Utilize Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI)

Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) is a tool for finding other keywords that are closely related to the main keyword. LSI is needed so that the anchor text displayed in the content does not only contain repeated main keywords.

What are Good Anchor Texts?

What are Good Anchor Texts

Basically, the function of anchor text is to help readers and search engines understand the context of your article and site. From the audience's perspective, readers will understand several elements in your article.

For example, your article discusses how to maintain good relationships with clients. In it, you can use anchor text related to the topic, such as “client type”.

Then from the search engine side, relevant anchor text will be used to determine the ranking of your article on Google, Yahoo, Bing and various other search engines.

So, there is no need to doubt that the use of anchor text is very important in your articles or content. According to Google, your anchor text should be descriptive and succinct. It should provide context for the user and help them understand where they are being taken when they click on the link. 

In short, your anchor text should give users a good idea of what they can expect to find on the linked-to page.

What is a Good Anchor Text Strategy?

1. Relevant

The first tip in creating anchor text is to be relevant. This relevance will be useful for your content's relationship with two parties, namely readers and Google. How could that be?

If you use anchor text that is relevant to the topic you are discussing, readers will understand things related to that topic.

For example, you create an article about job interview tips. Then, you can choose the anchor text "gestures during a job interview" because this topic is relevant to "job interview tips".

From the search engine side, as quoted by Neil Patel, articles with relevant anchor text will rank higher on Google search pages. With this anchor text, it will be easier for Google to categorize your article.

2. Vary the anchor text

Of all the types of anchor text that have been mentioned, it's a good idea to vary them in each of your articles. You can choose the type of anchor text according to the topic you are discussing.

Reporting from Exposure Ninja, here are the ratios for using anchor text that you can place in your article.

  • Exact match: 5%
  • Phrase match: 20%
  • Brand name: 10%
  • Branded: 25%
  • Branded keywords: 15%
  • Other terms: 15%
  • Root, subdomain/subdirectory, page URL: 10%

However, you still need to spread the anchor text in your articles, OK?

3. Reduce the use of generic anchor text

As much as possible, reduce or even avoid the use of generic anchor text. This type of anchor text does not reflect what you want to convey more deeply to the reader. That way, it is also difficult for Google to understand that the link you use in the generic anchor text is appropriate to the topic you are discussing.

4. Maximize pages with in-depth topics

The next tip for using anchor text is to maximize pages with in-depth topics. For example, you can use the anchor text "benefits of studying Masters" to connect readers with articles related to Masters. Reduce anchor text that will take readers to the homepage.

5. Natural

After all, the main purpose of your article is to provide information to readers. Don't force keywords and anchor text in inappropriate places. Keep using natural language in your articles.


Anchor text which is part of SEO (can also be called 'SEO anchor text') plays a fairly important role in website optimization so that it ranks at the top of the SERP. That's because the more people click on the anchor text attached to the site's content, the better the position of the website in search engines.

Anchor text consists of various types, including generic, branded, partial-match, exact-match, exact-match, and naked links. The safest type to use is branded anchor text. 

There are several tips and tricks for creating and optimizing anchor text, namely using anchor text as short and interesting as possible, paying attention to the suitability of the content linked to the anchor text, using variations of anchor text, and utilizing LSI to obtain synonyms for the main keywords.

So, here we discuss about Anchor Text. Hopefully useful, yes! Don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss other interesting articles.

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