How to Add a Widget to Blogger: Easy Ways!

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Some of the available Blogger templates still have a standard appearance, namely the header, post body, and sidebar. In order to make your blog look more attractive, it needs to be polished with several additional menus that can support the appearance of the blog.

One way to beautify the appearance of your blog is to add a new widget above the post body. The widget above the post body will certainly make your blog look less boring. The appearance of your blog will be more beautiful. From the appearance that was previously monotonous, it will become more elegant.

What is a widget on a blog?

Easy Ways to Add New Widgets on Top of Blogger's Post Body

Widgets or gadgets on Blogspot are elements or columns that have a special function, which is used to add content such as text or articles, images or photos and videos. As well as to add code structures such as CSS, HTML and Scripts. Installation of this widget can be done in the header, sidebar and footer.

Gadgets and Widgets mean the same thing. That is a supporting application for the complete features of a blog. The contents of the application are codes or scripts that can display certain systems and shows. Same status with Add-ons or Plugins in Browsers such as Mozilla and Chrome. 

This small app is separate from the basic template structure. Therefore, to use it, it must be installed or installed later after a template and blog have been created. Its function is to complete features that are not yet available on a blog template by default.

What is the Function of the Widget on Blogger?

The function of this widget column is to add various elements that have been provided by Blogspot. The addition of these elements is in accordance with each function used. In addition, the addition of these elements can also be done by yourself.

Then what are the benefits of widgets in this blog? Of course each element has its own function. But in general the benefits of having elements are for:

  • Beautify the appearance of websites and blogs.
  • As navigation to make it easier for visitors to surf the website.
  • Summarize the contents of the website, so that each part of the website does not take up space on the main page.
  • Places to plant backlinks or links that point to other websites.

Of course there are many benefits and functions of widgets. However, don't install too many elements because it will make your website heavy and difficult to open. So it's better to install widgets that are useful and what you need. This article will review what widgets must be added to blog and website pages.

For that let's distinguish elements into two types. Namely the widget on blogger and also on Wordpress. We have to distinguish between the two, because the elements of each type have differences. But its function remains the same, namely to make it easier for visitors when surfing the blog.

Types of Widgets on the Blog

1. Free Blogger Widgets

Bloggers usually provide lots of free blogger widgets. Because the appearance of Blogger is simpler, so when you want to improve the visual aspect, you have to use a widget.

Looks like the collection of widgets on blogger is more complete than wordpress. Because wordpress only has limited elements considering we can build a visual appearance with html.

2. Widgets on WordPress

The second type of widget is the widget on Wordpress. So this is an element that helps us when we want to optimize the appearance of WordPress. Actually there are also many elements in Wordpress. But the widgets here tend to be mediocre, like recent posts, or categories.

How to add elements in Wordpress? Check out the following steps;

  • Login to the wordpress dashboard with username and password.
  • On the dashboard, select the Appearance menu. Then select Widgets.
  • Then any widgets will appear that are installed on the blog page.
  • There are many types of widgets, such as categories, social media feeds, footers, and others.
  • If you want to add it, then click the (+) sign at the top.

That's how to add widgets to WordPress. Adjust to your needs, friend. Don't let too many install widgets because it will burden your blog.

Then so that you don't mind, then we have to choose the elements that must be added to the blog page. Let's see what's below. This recommendation might also be good for us to apply to blogs/websites for selling.

What is the purpose of a widget on a website?

Actually you don't have to use this widget because some of the widgets provided by Blogspot, sometimes many don't have benefits. However, some elements must be installed to add information to the blog page.

1. Examples of Widgets

Examples of using this column that are most often used on blog pages are the Popular Post widget columns, Labels, Archives, HTML Columns, Profiles and Blog Followers. And the number of gadgets provided by Blogspot is 24 gadgets.

2. Side Effects of Using Widgets/Gadgets

Many conclude that using too many widget columns will cause slow loading blogs. It's true, especially for columns containing scripts that make loading blogs burdensome.

How to Add New Widgets on Top of Blogger's Post Body

You can add several additional menus in the widget, for example you can add Adsense ads in the widget for those who already have an Adsense account. If you want to add a widget above the post body area, just follow the steps.

The steps for adding a new widget above the post body area are very easy to do. You just have to follow a few steps to add it. Some of the steps we have to do to add the widget are as follows:

  • Log in to Blogger
  • Click the "Template" menu.
  • Don't forget to back up the template in case of an error
  • Look for the ]]></b:skin> code. 
  • Place the following code just above the ]]></b:skin> code

#Extra Column h2{ font-size:13px; font-weight:bold; color:#B8002E; border-bottom:2px solid #000000; padding-left:5px; } #Extra Column{ width:600px; /*Change width */ } #Extraleft{ width:295px; /*width of the left column*/ float:left; margin:4px; } #Extraright{ width:295px; /*width of the right column*/ float:right; margin:4px; }


  • Adjust the size and color parameters according to the needs of your blog.
  • Then Save / Save the template.

Next, to add 2 widgets above the Post Body, do the following steps:

  • Find the code <div id='main-wrapper'>. Use Ctrl+F for easy.
  • Place the following code above the <div id='main-wrapper'> code

<div  id='Extra  Column'>  <b:section  class='Extraleft'  id=Extraleft'/>  <b:section  class='Extraright' id='Extraright'/></div>


  • Click Save Template Click the "Layout" menu.
  • If the new widget hasn't appeared, try refreshing the page or pressing F5.
  • After that, you will see 2 new widgets above the Post Body.

Those were some easy steps to add a new widget above the post body area. Hopefully these tips and tricks can help you enhance the appearance of your blog.

That's all the Easy Ways to Add New Widgets on Top of Blogger's Post Body tutorial that the author has shared for you. If you have questions regarding this article, don't hesitate to comment below. Hope it is useful.

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